
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Databricks

Before installing Unravel in AWS Databricks, check and ensure that the installation requirements are completed and follow the below instructions to install and configure Unravel:

1. Create an EC2 instance, create Databricks, and install Unravel prerequisites
  1. On your AWS Console, go to the EC2 dashboard and click Launch Instance.

  2. Select the following options based on Unravel's instance requirements:

    • Base OS

    • Instance type and size

    • Ports

    • Networking

      The EC2 instance must be in the same region as the target EMR clusters, which Unravel EC2 node will be monitoring.

    • Security groups or policies

      • Create a security group that allows port 3000 and port 4043 from EMR cluster nodes' IP address, and put the security group member used on the EMR cluster in this rule.

      Sample inbound rule



      Port range


      All traffic



      Security group ID of this group or subnet IP block.

      For example,



      22 or trusted public IP for SSH access

      Custom TCP Rule



      Security group ID used on the EMR cluster or subnet IP block (if the IP block belongs to a different VPC). Required for VPC peering connection.

      Custom TCP Rule



      Security group ID used on the EMR cluster or subnet IP block (if the IP block belongs to a different VPC). Required for VPC peering connection.

Review the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Peering options to connect Databricks with the Unravel VM.


VPC Peering Options

Workspace and Unravel VM are in the same VPC


Workspace VPC is in a different Region

Use VPC Peering:

Workspace VPC is in a different AWS account

Use VPC Peering:

Install the Databricks File System (DBFS) command-line interface using the following commands:

sudo bash 
yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum install python-pip
pip install databricks-cli


You can test the connectivity using the DBFS command-line interface. In case there are any errors, such as Error: ValueError: Timeout value connect was Timeout, reinstall the DBFS command-line interface using Python virtualenv as follows:

pip install databricks-cli 
yum install python3
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 mypy3
source mypy3/bin/activate# pip install databricks-cli
2. Download Unravel
3. Deploy Unravel
4. Run setup

You can run the setup command to install Unravel. The setup command allows you to do the following:

  • Runs Precheck automatically to detect possible issues that prevent a successful installation. Suggestions are provided to resolve issues. Refer to Precheck filters for the expected value for each filter.

  • Let you run extra parameters to integrate the database of your choice.

    The setup command allows you to use a managed database shipped with Unravel, or an external database. When run without any additional parameters, setup uses the Unravel managed PostgreSQL database. Otherwise, you can specify one of the following types of databases in the setup command:

    • MySQL (Unravel managed as well as external MySQL database)

    • MariaDB (Unravel managed as well as external MariaDB database)

    • PostgreSQL (External PostgreSQL)

    Refer to Integrate database for details.

  • Let you specify a separate path for the data directory other than the default path.

    The Unravel data and configurations are located in the data directory. By default, the installer maintains the data directory under <Unravel installation directory>/data. You can also change the data directory's default location by running additional parameters with the setup command. To install Unravel with the setup command.

  • Provides more setup options.


The Unravel user who owns the installation directory should run the setup command to install Unravel.

To install Unravel with the setup command, do the following:

  1. After deploying the binaries, if you are the root user, switch to Unravel user.

      su - <unravel user>
  2. Run setup command:


    Refer to setup Options for all the additional parameters that can be run with the setup command

    Refer to Integrate database topic and complete the pre-requisites before running the setup command with any other database other than Unravel managed PostgreSQL, which is shipped with the product. Extra parameters must be passed with the setup command when you use another database.


    Optionally, if you want to provide a different data directory, you can pass an extra parameter (--data-directory) with the setup command as shown below:

    <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --data-directory /the/data/directory

    Similarly, you can configure separate directories for other unravel directories. Contact support for assistance.

    • PostgreSQL

      • Unravel managed PostgreSQL

        <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks
      • External PostgreSQL

        <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks --external-database postgresql <HOST> <PORT> <SCHEMA> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>/
        ##The HOST, PORT, SCHEMA, USERNAME, PASSWORD are optional fields and are prompted if missing.
        ##For example:
        /opt/unravel/versions/abcd.992/setup --enable-databricks --external-database postgresql xyz.unraveldata.com 5432 unravel_db_prod unravel unraveldata
    • MySQL

      • Unravel managed MySQL

        <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks --extra /tmp/mysql
      • External MySQL

        <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks --extra /tmp/<MySQL-directory> --external-database mysql <HOST> <PORT> <SCHEMA> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
        ##The HOST, PORT, SCHEMA, USERNAME, PASSWORD are optional fields and are prompted if missing.
    • MariaDB

      • Unravel managed MariaDB

        <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks  --extra /tmp/mariadb
      • External MariaDB

        <unravel_installation_directory>unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --enable-databricks  --extra /tmp/<MariaDB-directory> --external-database mariadb <HOST> <PORT> <SCHEMA> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
        ##The HOST, PORT, SCHEMA, USERNAME, PASSWORD are optional fields and are prompted if missing.

    Precheck is automatically run when you run the setup command. Refer to Precheck filters for expected value for each filter.

  3. Start all the services.

    <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/manager start 
  4. Check the status of services.

    <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/manager report 

    The following service statuses are reported:

    • OK: Service is up and running.

    • Not Monitored: Service is not running. (Has stopped or has failed to start)

    • Initializing: Services are starting up.

    • Does not exist: The process unexpectedly disappeared. Restarts will be attempted 10 times.

    You can also get the status and information for a specific service. Run the manager report command as follows:

    <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/manager report <service> 
    ## For example: /opt/unravel/manager report auto_action

The Precheck output displays the issues that prevent a successful installation and also provides suggestions to resolve them. You must resolve each of the issues before proceeding. See Precheck filters.

After the prechecks are resolved, you must re-login or reload the shell to execute the setup command again.

Here is a sample of the Precheck run result:

2021-04-05 15:51:30 Sending logs to: /tmp/unravel-setup-20210405-155130.log
2021-04-05 15:51:30 Running preinstallation check...
2021-04-05 15:51:31 Gathering information ................. Ok
2021-04-05 15:51:51 Running checks .................. Ok
 Check limits        : PASSED
 Clock sync          : PASSED
 CPU requirement     : PASSED, Available cores: 8 cores
 Disk access         : PASSED, /opt/unravel/versions/develop.1004/healthcheck/healthcheck/plugins/system is writable
 Disk freespace      : PASSED, 229 GB of free disk space is available for precheck dir.
 Kerberos tools      : PASSED
 Memory requirement  : PASSED, Available memory: 79 GB
 Network ports       : PASSED
 OS libraries        : PASSED
 OS release          : PASSED, OS release version: centos 7.6
 OS settings         : PASSED
 SELinux             : PASSED
Healthcheck report bundle: /tmp/healthcheck-20210405155130-xyz.unraveldata.com.tar.gz
2021-04-05 15:51:53 Prepare to install with: /opt/unravel/versions/abcd.1004/installer/installer/../installer/conf/presets/default.yaml
2021-04-05 15:51:57 Sending logs to: /opt/unravel/logs/setup.log
2021-04-05 15:51:57 Instantiating templates ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:05 Creating parcels .................................... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:20 Installing sensors file ............................ Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:20 Installing pgsql connector ... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:22 Starting service monitor ... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:27 Request start for elasticsearch_1 .... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:27 Waiting for elasticsearch_1 for 120 sec ......... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:35 Request start for zookeeper .... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:35 Request start for kafka .... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:35 Waiting for kafka for 120 sec ...... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:37 Waiting for kafka to be alive for 120 sec ..... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:42 Initializing pgsql ... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:46 Request start for pgsql .... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:46 Waiting for pgsql for 120 sec ..... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:47 Creating database schema ................. Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:50 Generating hashes .... Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:52 Loading elasticsearch templates ............ Ok
2021-04-05 15:52:55 Creating kafka topics .................... Ok
2021-04-05 15:53:36 Creating schema objects ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ok
2021-04-05 15:54:03 Request stop ....................................................... Ok
2021-04-05 15:54:16 Done
[unravel@xyz ~]$


In certain situations, you can skip the precheck using the setup --skip-precheck command

For example:

/opt/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --skip-precheck

You can also skip the checks that you know can fail. For example, if you want to skip the Check limits option and the Disk freespace option, pick the command within the parenthesis corresponding to these failed options and run the setup command as follows:

setup --filter-precheck ~check_limits,~check_freespace 


Run --help with the setup command and any combination of the setup command for complete usage details.

<unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/versions/<Unravel version>/setup --help
Precheck filters
5. Connect Databricks cluster to Unravel
  1. Create a Workspace token in Databricks.

    1. Go to Workspace > Admin Console > Access Control and enable Personal Access Tokens. For more details, refer to Manage personal access tokens.

    2. Go to Workspace > User Settings > Access Tokens and click Generate New Token. For more details, refer to Authentication using Databricks personal access tokens.

  2. Register a new Databricks workspace or edit details of an existing Databricks workspace, using one of the following options

    • Option 1: From Unravel UI

      1. Go to the Unravel Instance UI and click Workspaces. The Workspaces Manager page is displayed.

      2. Click Add Workspace and enter the following details.



        Workspace Id

        Databricks workspace ID.

        Workspace Name

        Databricks workspace name.

        Instance (Region) URL

        Regional URL where the Databricks workspace is deployed.


        Select a subscription option: Standard or Premium.


        Personal access token to authenticate to and access Databricks REST APIs. Refer to Authentication using Databricks personal access tokens to create personal access tokens.


        After you click the Add button, it will take around 2-3 minutes to register the Databricks Workspace with Unravel.

    • Option 2: From command-line using manager command.

      1. Stop Unravel

        <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
      2. Switch to Unravel user.

      3. Add the workspace details using the manager command as follows from the Unravel installation directory:

        source <path-to-python3-virtual environment-dir>/bin/activate
        <Unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/manager config databricks add --id <workspace-id> --name <workspace-name> --instance <workspace-instance> --access-token <workspace-token> --unravel-endpoint <unravel_server:port> 
        ##For example:
        /opt/unravel/manager config databricks add --id 0000000000000000 --name myworkspacename --instance https://adb-0000000000000000.16.azuredatabricks.net --access-token xxxx --unravel-endpoint --tier premium
      4. Apply the changes.

        <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply
      5. Start Unravel

        <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start
  3. Set the cluster configurations. On the Unravel Instance UI, click Manage > Workspaces > Cluster configuration to configure the Databricks cluster with Unravel. The following configurations must be updated for every cluster (Automated /Interactive) in your workspace.

  4. Configure the Workspace for Data page.

  5. Set additional configurations if required.

  6. Optionally, you can run healthcheck, at this point, to verify that all the configurations and services are running successfully.

    <unravel_installation_directory>/unravel/manager healthcheck

    Healthcheck is run automatically on an hourly basis in the backend. You can set the healthcheck intervals and email alerts to receive the healthcheck reports.