Release Date: 11/26/2020
See v4.6.2.1 for download information
Upgrade support available only from v4.6.2.0 to v4.6.2.1.
A sensor upgrade is not required if you are upgrading from v4.6.2.0 to v4.6.2.1.
Review your platform's compatibility matrix before you install Unravel.
Refer to v4.6.x - Updates to Unravel properties.
Sessions feature is now supported on the new UI. Unravel Sessions is a feature that allows users to analyze multiple runs of an application and generate insights based on these runs, on-demand. This is a deeper level of analysis as compared to insights on an application page, which is generated automatically as each application is processed by Unravel, but is only based on that single run. Session analysis can detect abnormal characteristics in a single run, such as much larger IO, and adapt recommendations accordingly. Sessions is supported for Hive and Spark applications.
Audit events
To support auditing for security reasons, Unravel tracks the actions that create, change, and delete resources, as Audit events. This Audit events trail can be viewed from the Unravel UI.
PostgreSQL support
Unravel now supports PostgreSQL as the database in the backend besides MySQL.
The Unravel Admin is notified whenever various SSL certificates and Kerberos keytabs are about to expire.
Configure custom ports
Using the Unravel Manager service, you can now configure Unravel to use custom ports instead of the default ports.
Auto logout
Users are automatically logged out of Unravel after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Provision to configure JAVA security. (PLATFORM-2669)
The private key passphrase is now stored securely. (CUSTOMER-1263)
Facility to notify Unravel admins about expiration of various certifications and keytabs using Auto Actions.
TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are disabled by default and the ability to include a list of supported TLS protocols is provided. (PLATFORM-2668)
Usage of ISO-8601 timestamp format in log files. (PLATFORM-2632, CUSTOMER-1288)
Monitoring of SSL Certificates and Kerberos principals is not supported for Unravel multi-cluster deployments.
Unravel does not support multi-cluster management of combined on-prem and cloud clusters.
Does not support apps belonging to the same pipeline but is sourced from different clusters, in a multi-cluster environment. A pipeline can only contain apps that belong to the same cluster.
Missing table and column statistics events.
The following report is not supported in v4.6.2.1:
Executive KPI
Migration Planning is not supported for the following regions for Azure Data Lake:
US DoD East
US DoD Central
Germany Central (Sovereign)
Germany Northeast (Sovereign)
Forecasting and Migration reports: In a multi-cluster environment, only a single cluster can be configured at a time hence reports are generated only for that single cluster.
In Jobs > Sessions, the feature of applying recommendations and then running the newly configured app is not supported.
Pig and Cascading applications are not supported.
The Home dashboard page can be reloaded/viewed after logout. (UIX-2961)
Application does not redirect upon session expiration. (UIX-2962)
Vulnerable protocols such as SSLv3 in use. (UIX-2956)
On the Operations>Usage Detail->Infrastructure page, in the View By section, you can filter only filter for up to 4 Users/Queues/App Types. (CUSTOMER-701)
RBAC/SAML MR jobs are not loading for some users. (CUSTOMER-1500)
Capacity Forecasting is not working in the case of HDFS NameNode HA. (CUSTOMER-1585)
Unravel SAML Integration: UserName case lookup to be converted to lowercase. (CUSTOMER-1239)
Provision of group filter for SAML authentication via com.unraveldata.saml.groupFilter property. (CUSTOMER-1557)
SW daemons crashes while storing SQL data, that is processed from the event log, causing a huge lag in the Spark pipeline. (USPARK-775)
Failed and incomplete jobs are also accounted for in Spark application-level statistics. (USPARK-448)
Now the Resource tab shows the aggregated metrics for long-running applications. Previously If the app was running for a long time, the UI only showed up to the initial 1000 data points. (USPARK-779)
Fixed Garbage value displayed under Configurations tab. Used Proper JSON serialization to avoid such scenarios. (USPARK-791)
Spark Insights
Partition size 0 is shown in the insight message on the timings tab. (USPARK-647).
Spark apps running in Oozie workflow is not visible under Oozie workflow in Unravel UI. (PLATFORM-2746)
Killed Impala applications status is displayed as success in the UI. (IMPALA-278)
Cluster discovery
If the metric retrieval for a host fails, then the CPU and memory capacity/usage graphs and heatmaps are not displayed.
This happens on a CDH cluster when the Cloudera Manager agent of a host does not send any heartbeats to the Cloudera Manager server. Such a host is shown as Bad Health in Cloudera Manager. (REPORT-1706)
Workaround: Ensure that the Cloudera Manager agent sends heartbeats to the Cloudera Manager on all hosts and that none of the hosts are shown as Bad Health.
The On-prem Cluster Identity may show an incorrect Spark version on CDH. The report may incorrectly show Spark 1 when Spark 2 is installed on the CDH cluster. (REPORT-1702)
Queue analysis: The log file name (
) displayed in the error message is incorrect. The correct name of the log file isunravel_sensor.log
. (REPORT-1663)
Session is not created if there is a space used in the session name. (SESS-332)
Workaround: Use underscore instead of space.
Spark Analyse session fails in the absence of event logs for the applications present in the session. (SESS-366)
Session creation from the Hive application page is not supported. (UIX-3577)
Workaround: Use the Sessions listing page to create a hive session.
Session should be sorted by create date instead of session names. (SESS-368)
Status of Application is seen as UNKNOWN in session details when the application has multiple attempts. (SESS-369)
There is a lag seen for SQL Streaming applications. (PLATFORM-2764)
Errors tab wont show all the errors that are displayed in the container logs. (USPARK-809)
If the customer is using an active directory for Kerberos and the samAccountName and principal do not match, this can cause errors when accessing HDFS.
For PySpark applications, the processCPUTime and the processCPULoad are not captured properly. (USPARK-626)
SQL events generator generates SQL Like clause event if the query contains like pattern even in the literals. (TEZLLAP-349)
The new user interface (UI) can be accessed only from Chrome.
In the App summary page for Impala, the Query> Operator view is visible after you scroll down. (UIX-3536).
Jobs getting falsely labeled as a Tez App, for Oozie Sqoop and Shell actions. (PLATFORM-2403)