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Release Notesv4.7.7.0 Release notes

To obtain the username and password, contact Unravel Support.

Build No: 2744

Unravel Tar installation

MD5SUM: 25ebfaabc092faf6a7f2deb706e8d400

curl -v -o unravel- -u username:password

Unravel RPM installation

MD5SUM: fc688f192d5bd2e1d725fcd8eb2d0b09

curl -v -o unravel- -u username:password

Standalone Interactive Precheck installation

Build No: 2697

MD5SUM: 8527650d34c44a705a7c3b0c82b9cce7

curl -v -o unravel-healthcheck- -u username:password

You can use an interactive precheck to validate the configuration before installing Unravel. This information is reused to bootstrap a Unravel install.

  1. Download the Interactive Precheck package.

    curl -v -o unravel-healthcheck- -u username:password
  2. Extract the unravel-healthcheck tar.

    tar -xvzf unravel-healthcheck-release-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Change the directory to healthcheck.

    cd healthcheck/
  4. Run the Interactive Precheck script.

Ansible Installation
  1. Download the Ansible playbook by running the following command:


    Download the files on the Unravel server.

  2. Extract the tarball

    mkdir ansible-installation
    tar -xvzf ansible-installation.tar.gz -C ansible-installation