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A quick tour of Unravel Navigation

After you sign in to Unravel, you will see the following menus at the top:



Monitor, understand, and optimize clusters and jobs to manage cloud expenses

Compute and Workflows
  • Check if you are responsible for writing Databricks jobs.

  • Understand the reason for your job failure and the reason for the job running slow

  • Understand if you have selected the correct driver or worker types

  • Know whether you should be using auto-scaling. Understand if there is a problem with Azure, AWS, or GCP.


Know information such as metadata, KPIs, and insights about tables and partitions

  • Schedule regular reports to be generated and emailed automatically

  • Track top users and applications


AutoActions are applicable at the cluster and application levels:

  • Cluster level: Automate the monitoring of your compute cluster by allowing you to define complex, actionable rules on different cluster metrics.

  • Application level: Set to automatically kill an app or move it to a different queue.


View the cluster usage KPIs to monitor and reduce costs on the cloud and to improve resource efficiency.

Inspect the performance values in the Cost, Resource Efficiency, and App Acceleration summary sections.

Menus (On-prem)



Click the menu icon. The topic related to the menu is opened in a new browser.

  • Check the reasons behind your slow-running clusters and why the user report state that you cannot submit an app

  • Know the trending periods of low usage for scheduled maintenance

  • Easily observe the running jobs trends for root cause analysis

  • Know the most suitable time to run a heavy job

  • Know if your application is still pending (lack of resources)

  • Know if your application is running slower than usual (heavy utilization)


Know information such as metadata, KPIs, and insights about tables and partitions

  • Schedule regular reports to be generated and emailed automatically

  • Track top users and applications


AutoActions are applicable at the cluster and application levels:

  • Cluster level: Automate the monitoring of your compute cluster by allowing you to define complex, actionable rules on different cluster metrics.

  • Application level: Set to automatically kill an app or move it to a different queue.


Discover your current cluster and its detailed usage to migrate to a cloud platform


The Migration menu does not apply to cloud platforms.


View the cluster usage KPIs to monitor and reduce costs on the cloud and to improve resource efficiency.

Inspect the performance values in the Cost, Resource Efficiency, and App Acceleration summary sections.

Search bar

Search bar


Search for apps search-for-apps.png

Search for an application name, application type, or user name. The search is case-insensitive.


  • Application name: application_1661849569325_6440

  • Application type: Spark

  • User name: jsmith

For wildcard search, you can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the text you search for. For example, (spark*).

Context menu

You can click various elements on the upper-right corner of the window to see the actions available.



App Store app-store.png

Use to install and manage apps. Generate reports of executive KPIs (cluster usage KPIs, including for YARN and Impala).

Manage manage.png

Expand to view various management options.

  • Daemons: View daemons that are enabled for Unravel. You can also check the message (Info, Progress, Error, and Fatal) count information. See Unravel Daemons.Unravel Daemons

  • Stats: View database statistics and Elasticsearch details, such as the status of an Elasticsearch cluster, total size, and the number of indexes.

  • Run Diagnostics: Load and view the latest diagnostics log. You can also download the diagnostics.txt file.

  • Monitoring: Monitor information such as Partition Info, DB Status, DB Performance, Kafka (topic by consumer group), Zookeeper (host details), and Elastic (nodes and cluster health).

  • API Tokens: Create tokens for API token authorization. See API authorization token.

  • Audit: Track audit events. See Audit.

Help help.png

Expand to view the following list of options:

  • Support Portal: Navigate to the Unravel customer support portal.

  • Send Feedback: Send your feedback or share your ideas.

  • Documentation: View the online Help of Unravel documentation.

  • About: View the version of Unravel and its components.

User user.png

Expand to view the following list of options:

  • Copy Login Token: Copy the login token.

  • Logout: Log out of Unravel.