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v4.7.5.0 Release notes

Software version

Release date: 07/September/2022

See for download information.v4.7.5.0

Software upgrade support

The following upgrade paths are supported:

  • v4.7.0.x, v4.7.1.x, v4.7.2.x, v4.7.3.x, v4.7.4.x v4.7.5.0

  • v4.6.1.9 v4.7.5.0

  • v4.6.1.8 or earlierv4.6.1.9v4.7.5.0

For instructions to upgrade to Unravel v4.6.1.9, see Upgrading Unravel server.

For instructions to upgrade to Unravel v4.7.5.x, see Upgrading Unravel.

For fresh installations, see Installing Unravel.

Sensor upgrade

  • Sensor upgrade is mandatory for on-prem platforms when you upgrade to Unravel v4.7.5.0 from Unravel v4.7.4.0 or lower versions. Refer to Upgrading Sensors

Certified platforms

The following platforms are tested and certified in this release:

Cloud platforms

  • Databricks (Azure, AWS)

  • Amazon EMR

  • GCP Dataproc

  • GCP BigQuery

On-premise platforms

  • Cloudera Distribution of Apache Hadoop (CDH)

  • Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)

  • Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)

Review your platform's compatibility matrix before you install Unravel.

Updates to Unravel's configuration properties

Updates to upgrading Unravel to v4.7.5.0

  • In the previous versions of Unravel (v4.7.3.0, v4.7.4.0), the data collected for the Clusters/Cost tabs is not retained after you upgrade to Unravel v4.7.5.0.

  • Unravel does not support the Insights Overview tab on the UI for the EMR platform. Insights overview is currently a preview feature.

For the GCP BigQuery platform, you can now set up Unravel to automatically create and configure resources in more than 100 projects simultaneously. Refer to the BigQuery installation section for more details.

For the Databricks platform, you must reset the global init scripts. The global init script is not backward compatible, and therefore, before you upgrade, ensure to disable or remove the existing global init scripts and set the new global init scripts. To set the new global init scripts, refer Upgrading Unravel to v4.7.5.0 section in the product documentation.

Also, in Unravel v4.7.5.0, tokens/passcodes will be encrypted for DBX Personal Access Token (PAT), LR Authentication password, Unravel Truststore password, and Azure Active Directory token. For this encryption to take effect, too, you must disable or remove all the previously set up global init scripts and set up the new global init scripts.

After an upgrade, to enable SSL/TLS support for an external, you can edit the <Installation_directory>/unravel/data/conf/unravel.yaml file and set the tls: to true.

New features

  • Cost 360 for EMR

    Unravel now supports the Cost 360 feature for Amazon EMR. A new Cost menu has been added to the Unravel UI. Use the Cost 360 feature to govern your spending for EMR (along with Databricks). You can optimize your clusters and jobs to manage your cloud expenses. From the Cost page, you can access the following tabs:

    • Trends: View the trend data for EMR clusters.

    • Chargeback: Create and view the Chargeback reports for various metrics of EMR.

    • Budget: Create a budget with monthly periodicity for multiple users or a particular user group and track the cost to check the actual and planned or forecasted spending variance.

    For information about using the Cost 360 feature for EMR, see Cost (Databricks, EMR) in the User Guide.

  • Advanced EMR Clusters page

    A Cluster page is added to the Unravel UI for Amazon EMR, from where you can monitor the EMR cluster and cost data from a single location. The Cluster page also helps you quickly visualize, debug, and troubleshoot issues at the cluster and application levels. In addition, the EMR cluster insights UI is enhanced for better usability and included on the Clusters page.

    For information about using the Clusters page for EMR, see Clusters (EMR) in the User Guide.

  • Anomaly Detection APIs

    Introduced the following two new APIs to detect anomalies in metrics:

    • Detect anomalies in the cost of Databricks job runs

    • Detect anomalies in the univariate time-series data

    For more information, see the Anomaly Detector API documentation in the Reference Guide.

  • Max memory settings for Unravel daemons

    Using the manager config memory command, you can now configure the maximum memory for all Unravel daemons.

  • Support of AWS Linux OS for Amazon EMR

    • Unravel now supports AWS Linux OS for the Amazon EMR platform.

  • Support for different price discounts

    In Databricks, support is provided for different price discounts for a workload/tier combination for DBU.

Improvements and enhancements

  • BigQuery

    • BigQuery General Availability (GA) is supported starting from Unravel version

    • Unravel supports the monitoring of multiple BigQuery projects. Unravel can be set up to automatically create and configure resources in more than 100 projects. BigQuery projects can be added either with customer-supplied credentials or with Unravel-generated credentials.

      For information about setting up Unravel to receive BigQuery data automatically, see Installing Unravel on GCP BigQuery in the Cloud Installation Guide.

    • You can add up to 100 BigQuery projects, at a time, to the Data page for Unravel monitoring.

    • From the BigQuery App Summary page, you can view the parent query and cached queries separately. (UIX-4790)

    • The cost of each application is displayed on the Jobs/Applications page. (UIX-4686)

  • Certificates

    • You can now pass part of the certificate trust chain when you configure TLS with the manager config tls set command. This serves by the Unravel daemons when establishing a connection. (INSTALL-2019)

  • Jobs

    • On the Unravel UI > Jobs page for EMR, a message - No application tags found is displayed under the Tags filter (if application tags are unavailable).

  • Install

    • Running config apply --restart restarts Unravel as needed to apply any configuration change. This replaces the need to stop and start Unravel when applying changes explicitly. (INSTALL-2667)

    • The config auto command gets the Kafka brokers correctly from CDH versions six and later. (INSTALL-2658)

    • OnDemand and Python2 have been removed. The functionalities are now implemented from Appstore. (INSTALL-2656)

    • The Rsync package is now bundled with the Unravel installer.

  • Kafka

    • Graphs on the Kafka page show average values from a week and higher. (ASP-1542)

    • Show sum values for all brokers on the Topics page. (ASP-1538)

  • Log receiver (LR)

    logreceiver.msg_retention.hours property is added to specify the retention period, in hours, for messages stored in the DocStorage by the log receiver.

  • Databricks

    • Enhancements to the Delta Table metadata extractor job

      When scheduling a job to extract metadata from Databricks, you can now perform the following actions:

      • Specify multiple database names in a comma-separated value.

      • Specify all database names using the ALL_DB parameter.

      • Extract up to 25,000 delta tables metadata in a single Job.

      For more information, see Configure metadata processing for Delta tables in the Configuration Guide.

    • On the Databricks Compute page, the Job name column is added to the All and Inefficient tabs.

  • New configuration properties for Apache Spark

    You can use the following new configuration properties to improve the scalability of processing streaming applications in Unravel. See Updates to Unravel properties (ASP-1507):

    • Skip the processing of small insignificant Spark jobs (

    • A minimum number of Spark jobs (

    • The minimum duration threshold of Spark jobs to skip insignificant jobs (

  • New configuration properties for Impala and Workflow

    • A maximum number of seconds to look back when polling the Cloudera Manager API for subsequent polls. (com.unraveldata.impala.polling.look.back.secs)

    • A maximum number of workflows to be retrieved from the cluster and displayed on the Unravel UI (com.unraveldata.workflow.fetch.size).

  • Refactored the pipeline (workflow) APIs from the UI layer to the Datastore layer

    The following pipeline (workflow) APIs have been moved from the UI to the Datastore layer:

    • List API

    • AppSummary API

    For more information, see the Pipeline API documentation in the Reference Guide.

  • Platform

    • For EMR and on-prem platforms with BTrace sensors, additional options are provided with extraJavaOptions to support JDK 17. (CDI-526, CDI-524)

    • Unravel services use OpenJDK Temurin-17 as a runtime environment. (CDI-507)

  • Databricks

    • Passwords and tokens stored in the file are encrypted now. This feature requires an active cluster global init script, which is located on the remote Databricks cluster. (CDI-561)

    • Improved instructions on how to set user principal correctly. (DT-1180)

  • Ports

    • Setting custom ports with manager config ports is now supported for all ports on all Unravel daemons. (INSTALL-2300)

  • Migration

    • Migration reports are enhanced to handle diagnosis more efficiently. (MIG-265)

  • Security

    • Fixed security vulnerabilities. (CDI-588)

  • SSL/TLS support for Azure MySQL or other external databases

    • Support TLS/SSL on Azure Database for MySQL or any other cloud-managed databases for Unravel. (CUSTOMER-1906)

  • Upgrade

    • For GCP - BigQuery, the service account keys are encrypted on the upgrade. (DOC-1258)

  • UI

    • Support for new date/time pattern - yyyy-MM-dd['T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS]'Z']. For example: 2022-07-22T10:06:39.080Z.

    • Unravel UI is enhanced globally for Unravel badges and donut charts. (UIX-4694)

    • Enhancements to primary navigation on Unravel UI with new icons. (UIX-4728)


  • Unravel does not support Billing for on-prem platforms.

  • On the Data page, File Reports, Small File reports, and file size information are not supported for MapR, EMR, and Dataproc clusters.

  • Impala jobs are not supported on the HDP platform.

  • Monitoring the expiration of the SSL Certificates and Kerberos principals in Unravel multi-cluster deployments.

The following features are not supported for MapR:

  • Impala applications

  • Kerberos

  • The following features are supported on the Data page:

    • Forecasting

    • Small Files

    • File Reports

  • The following reports are not supported on MapR:

    • File Reports

    • Small Files Report

    • Capacity Forecasting

    • Migration Planning

    The Tuning report is supported only for MR jobs.

  • Migration Planning

  • AutoAction is not supported for Impala applications.

  • Migration

  • Billing

  • Insights Overview

  • Unravel does not support the Insights Overview tab on the UI for the Amazon EMR platform.

  • Migration planning is not supported for the following regions for Azure Data Lake:

    • Germany Central (Sovereign)

    • Germany Northeast (Sovereign)

  • Forecasting and Migration: In a multi-cluster environment, you can configure only a single cluster at a time. Hence, reports are generated only for that single cluster.

  • Migration planning is not supported for MapR.

  • Unravel does not support multi-cluster management of combined on-prem and cloud clusters.

  • Unravel does not support apps belonging to the same pipeline in a multi-cluster environment but is sourced from different clusters. A pipeline can only contain apps that belong to the same cluster.

  • All the reports, except for the TopX report, are not supported on Databricks and EMR.

In Jobs > Sessions, the feature of applying recommendations and running the newly configured app is not supported.

  • Pig and Cascading applications are not supported.

Bug fixes

  • Installation

    • The trusted certificate is set up for the Databricks client. (INSTALL-2717)

    • Upgrading no longer force set Databricks workspace properties. (INSTALL-2572)

    • The interactive Precheck utility for check_gcc_compilers fails due to the unavailability of the file. This file is available only after installation. (INSTALL-2648) <

  • Configuration

    • Configuration properties in the file can contain UTF-8 characters. (CDI-527)

  • Upgrade

    • After upgrading to Unravel version and, the Databricks sensor throws a PKIX error and stops sending cluster metrics when SSL is enabled on the Databricks Spark UI. (CDI-569)

    • After upgrading Unravel to version, the upgrade fails if get_indices returns nothing. (DT-1136)

  • Databricks

    • The budget succeeds when the description is more than 500 characters. (DT-1146)

    • A budget is created even though the data in the required fields are missing. (DT-1144)

    • The KPIs in the Duration column are misaligned on the Jobs > Job page. (DT-1166)

    • Databricks Personal Access Token (PAT) and Azure AD tokens are not encrypted in Unravel and remote sensors. (CDI-532)

    • When custom cluster names are used for AWS Databricks workspaces, Unravel cannot identify and capture the Job Runs on the UI. (SUPPORT-1346)

    • Some Job Runs remain in the RUNNING state. (DT-1173)

    • The timeline shows empty for DataBricks run; however, the corresponding Spark application shows the timeline view. (ASP-1555)

    • On the Jobs page, the duration for running jobs is not displayed. (ASP-1516)

    • The Jobs chargeback in Databricks shows incorrect cost. (DT-1174)

    • The budget is not shown on the UI if the budget name contains only special characters. (DT-1153)

  • Reports

    • Generating a small files report fails due to the wrong port ID passed in the URL that triggers the FSImage import. From Unravel version onwards, the supported port ID is 5001. (SUPPORT-1390)

    • The database queries UI uses for report listing use timestamp according to local time instead of UTC. Therefore, the latest reports are missed in some instances. (REPORT-2051)

    • The TopX report in Databricks does not provide memory seconds and vcore seconds. (REPORT-2056)

    • The archive hours filter is not working as expected. (REPORT-2057)

    • The check for the com.unraveldata.python.enabled property causes the reports and migration planning sections missing in the Unravel UI. (REPORT-2050)

  • Data page

    • An error occurs with the view_original_text column. (DATAPAGE-586)

  • Spark

    • Spark sensor (driver) uses a lot of memory for long-running SQL applications. (ASP-1561)

  • UI

    • The size of Elasticsearch query response is small for fetching queues on the Impala resources page. (UIX-4799)

    • For impala auto-action templates, the application name option is not supported. (UIX-4678)

    • On the Clusters > Resources tab, the entire list of apps appears after filtering a queue and clicking the filtered graph. The issue occurs on the on-prem (MapR) platform. (CUSTOMER-2073)

    • On the Clusters > Kafka tab, you cannot click the topics listed in the average metrics table. (ASP-1540)

    • Data missing in the tables on the Chargeback page. (UIX-4845)

  • Security

    • In the AAD login mode, the user still has access to his current logged-in UI when external logout happens. (UIX-4125)

  • BigQuery

    • Duplicate insights are shown for BigQuery applications. (INSIGHTS-305)

    • Including child job queries in the chargeback calculation for BigQuery causes duplicate calculations. (ASP-1550).

    • The query to create a procedure in BigQuery remains running even if it has ended. (ASP-1544)

  • Workflow/Job page displays empty for Analysis, Resources, Daggraph, and Errors tabs. (DT-1093)

  • Event logs and YARN logs are not loaded for some applications in Google Dataproc clusters. (PG-170)

  • After upgrading Unravel from version to with Maria DB, the App Store daemon fails to start. (REPORT-2048)

    Workaround: Drop the kombu_queue database table for the schema mismatch issue and start the On-demand and App Store services.

  • Incorrect data is displayed in the Number of Queries KPI/Trend graph on the Overview page. (DATAPAGE-502)

  • Create time of partitions is not captured in Hive metastore if the partition is created dynamically. This limits Unravel from showing Last Day KPIs for the partition section.

  • Wrong data displayed for Number of Partitions Created KPI/trend graph under Partitions KPIs - Last Day section in the Data page. (DATAPAGE-473)

  • The DriverOOME and ExecutorOOME events are not generated for the Databricks notebook task. (DT-533)

  • Azure Databricks clusters and jobs are randomly missing on the Unravel UI due to Azure Databricks File System (DBFS) mount issues. (DT-1183)

  • When a job fails to submit a spark application, the failed DataBricks job is missing from Unravel UI. (ASP-1427)

  • In Databricks, when a job in a workflow fails and a new job is launched instead, as a new attempt, the new job cannot be part of the same workflow. (PG-269)

  • DataBricks jobs are being missed intermittently in Unravel. (PG-232)

  • In the Databricks view, the application is shown in a running state, even though the corresponding Spark application is marked as finished. (ASP-1436)

  • Google Cloud Datapro: Executor Logs are not loaded for spark applications. (PG-229)

  • Exception: Problem when retrieving bootstrap actions for cluster is seen in the aws_worker  daemon logs.

    Workaround: While creating an AWS account for EMR Chargeback/Insights overview feature, you must include an additional entry in the Policy JSON file for "elasticmapreduce:ListBootstrapActions", as follows:

        “Version”: “2012-10-17",
        “Statement”: [
                “Effect”: “Allow”,
                “Action”: [
                “Resource”: “*”

    Even though the AWS account was already created without this entry (elasticmapreduce:ListBootstrapActions), you can always include this policy later.

  • The workflow of multiple transient clusters (EMR) is not supported. (ASP-1424)

  • Unable to run Spark applications on all the master nodes after Unravel bootstrap for high availability clusters. (EMR-49)

  • Unravel node fails to send email notifications. (INSTALL-1694)

  • The Interactive precheck bootstrap fails when configuring an external MySQL database on HDP. (INSTALL-2730)

  • During precheck and healthcheck, the Hadoop check fails for the MapR cluster. You can ignore the messages. (INSTALL-2603)

  • When you upgrade from Unravel version to and the database is an externally managed MySQL version 8, you will face a JAVA connector issue. (INSTALL-2647)

  • The Insights Overview tab uses UTC as the timezone, while other pages use local time. Hence, the date and time shown on the Insights Overview tab and the other pages after redirection can differ. (UIX-4176)

  • Kerberos can only be disabled manually from the unravel.yamlfile.

          enabled: False
  • WorkloadFit report

    • A large number of tags can cause the Workload Fit report to fail. (PG-265, CUSTOMER-2084)

    • WorkloadFit report > Heatmap: The job count has data, but Vcore and memory are empty. (MIG-262)

  • On-prem playground: In Clusters > Hbase > Tables, the settings column-setting.png button does not respond. (PG-291)

  • Cluster discovery

    • If the metric retrieval for a host fails, then the CPU and memory capacity/usage graphs and heatmaps are not displayed.

      This happens on a CDH cluster when the Cloudera Manager agent of a host does not send any heartbeats to the Cloudera Manager server. Such a host is shown as Bad Health in Cloudera Manager. (REPORT-1706)

      Workaround: Ensure that the Cloudera Manager agent sends heartbeats to the Cloudera Manager on all hosts and that none of the hosts are shown as Bad Health.

    • The On-prem Cluster Identity might show an incorrect Spark version on CDH. The report may incorrectly show Spark 1 when Spark 2 is installed on the CDH cluster. (REPORT-1702)

  • Top-X report

    • The Top-X report fails when there is a ' symbol in the cluster ID. (REPORT-2058)

    • The TopX report email links to the Unravel TopX report instead of showing the report content in the email as in the old reports.

  • Queue analysis:

    • The log file name (unravel_us_1.log) displayed in the error message is incorrect. The correct name of the log file is unravel_sensor.log. (REPORT-1663)

  • Cloud Mapping Per Host report scheduled in v4.6.1.x will not work in v4.7.1.0. Users must organize a new report. (REPORT-1886)

  • When using PostgreSQL, the % sign is duplicated and displayed in the Workload Fit report > Map to single cluster tab. (MIG-42)

  • You can see a lag for SQL Streaming applications. (PLATFORM-2764)

  • If the customer uses an active directory for Kerberos and the samAccountName and principal do not match, this can cause errors when accessing HDFS. (DOC-755)

  • For PySpark applications, the processCPUTime and processCPULoad values are not captured properly. (ASP-626)

  • SQL events generator generates SQL Like clause event if the query contains a like pattern even in the literals. (TEZLLAP-349)

  • After upgrading from v4.7.1.1 to v4.7.5.0, the Hive jobs running with the Tez application as an execution engine are not linked. (EMR-406)

  • After upgrading to v4.7.1.0, Notebooks do not work. You can configure them separately. (REPORT-1895)

  • If you have configured a single cluster deployment for Unravel and the cluster name is not default, then the Datapage feature might not work correctly.

    To avoid this issue, you must explicitly set the following property after upgrading. (INSTALL-2151)

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set hive.metastore.cluster.ids=<cluster-name>
    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager apply
    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start
  • After upgrading from v4.6.x to v4.7.1.0, the Tez application details page does not initially show DAG data. The DAG data is visible only after you refresh the page. (ASP-1126)

  • You can access the new user interface (UI) only from Chrome.

  • In the App summary page for Impala, the Query> Operator view is visible after scrolling down. (UIX-3536).

  • Jobs are falsely labeled as a Tez App for Oozie Sqoop and Shell actions. (PLATFORM-2403)


For support issues, contact Unravel Support.