EMR Instance Hours
The EMR Instance Hours report analyzes EMR spending on the AWS cloud.
Run the following to generate the EMR Instance Hours
Click Generate Reports > New button.
In the New Report dialog box, enter the following details.
Name of the report.
Report type
Type of report. Select EMR Instance Hours.
Select your platform. The reports corresponding to the selected platform are only listed in the Report type. If you select the All option, all the reports are listed.
Select the checkbox to schedule the report. From the EXAMPLE dropdown, you can select an option (daily, hourly, 12 hourly, weekly, or monthly) to schedule the report run.
The number of days to retain the report files. All the reports are stored in the
directory. After completion of the retention period, the report files are automatically purged.Parameters
Look Back
The period range in days when applications can be selected for report generation. A notification is displayed above this option that informs about the duration when data is available for the report.
Use Exact Date-Time
Check this option and select the from and to dates to schedule the report for the specified time range. The only anomaly with this option is that the same report will be scheduled to be generated repeatedly.
Specify key and value and click ADD. You can click REMOVE to remove a key-value pair. If this is not selected, all the key names/values will be considered.
Time series interval.
Specify the cost threshold to differentiate the cluster.
Email to
Email ID to send the notification when the report is generated. You can select the Attach Files to Email checkbox to receive the reports as an attachment.
Advance Options
Profile Memory
Select this option if you want to generate logs that help to troubleshoot scenarios where the report takes excessive time to generate or fails to generate.
The option will increase the report run time excessively.
Click OK. The generated reports will be listed under Reports on the App UI.
Select a job run of the selected report from this list. All the reports associated with the Job run are listed as links under the Run <Report run ID> list on the right. These reports are in HTML format.
Click a run report link, and the report is displayed in an HTML format based on the parameters you have chosen while creating the report.
Click the Input Parameters link for a quick view of the report parameters in JSON format.
The following reports are generated:
Instance-wise breakdown of duration and cost
Cluster-wise breakdown of duration and cost.

Viewing metrics and insights
Open the report and click any app link from the Signature column.
The Metrics tab displays the trend charts for the Duration, IO, MemorySeconds, and CPU metrics. The dots plotted on the trend charts are the app runs. The app info is provided in the right panel.
You can select any of the following features to view the metric trends:
cluster id
cluster UID
Click any dot on any of the Metric trend charts. This becomes the app target run. The details of the app target run appear in the App Run info panel on the right.
In the App Run info panel, click the ID link. This is the ID link of the app target run. The Metric tab is shown with the app target run you have chosen in a different color. The details of the app target run are displayed in the App Target Run panel on the right. Click the View in Unravel link to view the app's details in Unravel.
Select any dot (other than the dot for the app target run) on any of the Metric trend charts. This becomes the app baseline run. This is highlighted in a different color. The details of the app target run are displayed in the App Baseline Run panel on the right. Click the View in Unravel link to view the app's details in Unravel.
In the App Baseline Run panel, click Compare.
Select an app from the App Type options:
Hive on Tez
From the Cluster, select a cluster.
Specify the app runs that you want to compare.
Baseline App Run: Specify the ID of the baseline app.
Target App Run: Specify the ID of the target app with which you want to compare the baseline app.
Click Compare. The following app details are given for the baseline and target app run:
App details
Cluster resource usage when these apps were running
App statistics comparison details
App config comparison details
Query string comparison details
Query plan comparison details
In the App Baseline Run panel, click Refresh Insights. The insights are provided in the following sections.
Baseline comparison
The results of the comparison are displayed.
Concurrent heavy hitter apps
This section will show up only when the information is available.
Select this option to view the top five applications in a specific category.
Click the Concurrent heavy hitter apps option.
Select any option from the Top-5 Applications option.
The corresponding details are displayed.