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Snowflake Documentation

Max memory settings for Unravel services

You can set the maximum memory for any Unravel services. This can be done only after you install or upgrade to Unravel version or later.

Do the following to set the maximum memory for an Unravel service:

  1. Stop Unravel.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
  2. Check the current memory settings.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config memory show

    For example:

    manager config memory show
    -- Running: config memory show
    Instance key   |  Memory 
    event_worker_1 |  2G
    log_receiver_1 |  4G
    -- OK
  3. Run the following command:

    • <service-key>: is the name of the daemon running the service. Refer to Unravel Daemons for the daemon names. Unravel Daemons

    • <instance-key>: is the name of the service instance.

    • <value>: memory value in Megabytes (M) or Gigabytes (G).


    • If you provide the <service-key>, then the memory is set for all the instances in that service.

    • If you provide the instance-key, then the memory is set only for a specific service instance.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config memory set <service-key|instance-key> <value>

    For example:

    • To set the maximum memory of all the instances of spark_worker to 6000 megabytes, run the following command:

      /opt/unavel/manager config memory set spark_worker 6000

      -- Running: config memory set spark_worker 6000
      Setting memory for spark_worker_1 to 6000M
      Setting memory for spark_worker_2 to 6000M
      Setting memory for spark_worker_3 to 6000M
      Setting memory for spark_worker_4 to 6000M
      -- OK
    • To set all the memory of a specific spark_worker instance, such as spark_worker_1 to 6000 megabytes, run the following command:

      /opt/unavel/manager config memory set spark_worker_1 6000

      -- Running: config memory set spark_worker_1 6000M
      Setting memory for spark_worker_1 to 6000M
      -- OK
  4. Apply the changes and restart Unravel.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply --restart