
Configure and restart Unravel
Configure basic options
  • Set these properties in /usr/local/unravel/etc/unravel.properties as follows. If you don't find the property in the file, add it.

Configure Unravel with Azure MySQL
  1. Set the following Unravel properties for Azure MySQL in /usr/local/unravel/etc/unravel.properties. Check Azure MySQL resource page for property values.

    unravel.jdbc.username=Server admin login name
    unravel.jdbc.password=Server admin login password
    unravel.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://Server name:3306/unravel_mysql_prod
  2. Install MySQL JDBC connector driver in Unravel classpath.

    wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.tar.gz -O /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.tar.gz
    cd /tmp
    tar xvzf /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.tar.gz
    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/unravel/share/java
    sudo cp /tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar /usr/local/unravel/share/java
  3. Create database and tables for Unravel. Enter MySQL Server admin login password when prompted.

    mysql --host=Server name --port=3306 --user Server admin login name --password -e 'create database unravel_mysql_prod'
    sudo /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/db_initial_inserts.sh | /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/db_access.sh
Configure Unravel with Azure Databricks
  1. Navigate to Workspace > Admin Console > Access Control and enable Personal Access Tokens.

  2. Navigate to Workspace > User Settings > Access Tokens and click Generate New Token. Choose indefinite for the token lifetime.

  3. Install Unravel agents on Workspace and update Unravel config with Workspace details:

    /usr/local/unravel/bin/databricks_setup.sh --add-workspace -i Workspace id -n Workspace name -t Workspace token -s https://Workspace location.azuredatabricks.net -u Unravel VM Private IP address:4043
Restart Unravel
  1. Restart all Unravel services

    service unravel_all.sh restart
  2. Log in to Unravel UI

    http://Unravel VM Address:3000