
Provisioning and configuring an Unravel EC2 instance

This topic explains how to deploy Unravel Server on an EC2 instance.

Create an EC2 instance
  1. On your AWS console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/), go to the EC2 dashboard and click Launch Instance.

  2. Select the following options based on Unravel's instance requirements:

    • Base OS

    • Instance type and size

    • EC2 instance's security group / IAM role

      Best practice is to create an IAM role that contains the policy that only reads the specific S3 bucket used on EMR cluster, and then create and instance profile and add the IAM role to it.

    • Ports

    • Networking

      The EC2 instance must be in same region with the target EMR clusters which Unravel EC2 node will be monitoring.


      Security reminder: Don't make Unravel UI accessible on the public Internet.

    • Security groups or policies

      • Create an S3 ReadAccess only IAM role and assign it to Unravel EC2 node to read the archive logs on the S3 bucket configured for the EMR cluster.

      • Create TCP and UDP connections from the EMR master node to Unravel EC2 node.

      • Create a security group that allows port 3000 and port 4043 from EMR cluster nodes' IP address, and put the member of the security group used on EMR cluster in this rule.

      Sample inbound rule



      Port range


      All traffic



      Security group ID of this group or subnet IP block.

      For example,



      22 or trusted public IP for SSH access

      Custom TCP Rule



      Security group ID used on the EMR cluster or subnet IP block (if IP block belongs to a different VPC). Required for VPC peering connection.

      Custom TCP Rule



      Security group ID used on the EMR cluster or subnet IP block (if IP block belongs to a different VPC). Required for VPC peering connection.

      Sample outbound rule



      Port range


      All traffic




      The Unravel EC2 node should have all TCP access to the EMR cluster (master or slave) nodes. You can grant access by inserting a security policy into both security groups of the EMR master and slave with all TCP, all port range. The source is the security group ID of the Unravel VM. For an example, see the screenshot below.


      If it isn't possible to allow the Unravel EC2 access to all traffic to EMR cluster, you must minimally allow it to access cluster nodes' TCP ports 8020, 50010 and 50020.

Configure the EC2 instance
  1. Disable selinux.

    sudo setenforce Permissive
  2. Edit /etc/selinux/config to make sure the setting persists after reboot and make sure SELINUX=permissive.

    sudo vi /etc/selinux/config
  3. Install libaio.x86_64, lzop.x86_64, and ntp.x86_64.

    sudo yum install -y libaio.x86_64
    sudo yum install -y lzop.x86_64
    sudo yum install -y ntp.x86_64
  4. Start ntpd and check the system time.

    sudo service ntpd start
    sudo ntpq -p
  5. Create a new user named hadoop.

    sudo useradd hadoop
Install MySQL

Complete the [Before Installing Unravel RPM] steps in Install and configure MySQL for Unravel.

Install the Unravel RPM on the EC2 instance
  1. Download the Unravel Server RPM.

  2. Install the Unravel Server RPM.

    The precise filename can vary, depending on how it was fetched or copied.

    sudo rpm -U unravel-4.5.0.*-EMR-latest.rpm 
  3. Run the await_fixups.sh script to ensure background processing is finished before proceeding.

    In a routine upgrade, it is okay to start all Unravel daemons, but do not stop or restart them until the await_fixups.sh prints Done. This may take a few minutes.

    sudo /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/switch_to_user.sh hadoop hadoop
  4. Append the following line to /usr/local/unravel/etc/unravel.properties:

  5. For monitoring EMR Spark service, add the following properties to unravel.properties:


    The installation creates the following items:

    • Virtualization type: HVM

    • User unravel (if it doesn't exist already).

    • Initial internal database and other durable states in /srv/unravel/ for larger storage.

      Virtualization type: HVM

    • /etc/init.d/unravel_* scripts for controlling services, and /etc/init.d/unravel_all.sh which you can use to manually stop, start, and get status of all daemons in proper order.

Configure MySQL

Complete the [After Installing Unravel RPM] steps in Install and configure MySQL for Unravel.

Log into Unravel UI
  1. Start Unravel daemons.

    sudo /etc/init.d/unravel_all.sh start
  2. Create an SSH tunnel from your workstation to the Unravel EC2 instance.

    ssh -i ssh_key.pem centos@unravel-host-ip -L 3000:
  3. Using a supported web browser, navigate to

  4. Log into the Unravel UI with username admin and password unraveldata.

Congratulations! Unravel Server is up and running. Proceed to connect to your existing or new EMR cluster.