
Part 1: Installing Unravel on a Separate Azure VM

Installing Unravel on a separate Azure VM allows you to connect to ephemeral Hadoop clusters on the same virtual network.

This topic explains how to create a separate Azure VM, install the Unravel RPM, and configure it.

1. Provision an Azure VM for Unravel Server
2. Configure the VM
3. Install MySQL

Complete the [Before Installing Unravel RPM] steps in Install and configure MySQL for Unravel.

4. Install Unravel Server on the VM
5. Configure MySQL

Complete the [After Installing Unravel RPM] steps in Install and configure MySQL for Unravel.

6. Configure Unravel Server with basic options
  1. Open an SSH session to the Unravel VM.

    ssh -i ssh-private-key ssh-user@unravel-host
  2. Set correct permissions on the Unravel configuration directory.

    cd /usr/local/unravel/etc
    sudo chown unravel:unravel *.properties
    sudo chmod 644 *.properties
  3. Update unravel.ext.sh based your cluster's HDInsight version.

    hdp-select status | grep hadoop
    hadoop-client -
    # Append this classpath based on the version you found
    echo "export CDH_CPATH=/usr/local/unravel/dlib/hdp2.6.x/*" >> /usr/local/unravel/etc/unravel.ext.sh
  4. Run the switch_to_user.sh script.

    /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/switch_to_user.sh hdfs hadoop
  5. In /usr/local/unravel/etc/unravel.properties, add/modify the following properties:

    1. Set com.unraveldata.onprem to false.

    2. Set general properties:

    3. Point Unravel to your Azure storage account(s) and their storage formats:

7. Start Unravel services
sudo /etc/init.d/unravel_all.sh restart
8. Log into Unravel UI