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Data (Databricks)

The Data page presents information about tables and partitions. This information includes the following

  • Metadata: For example, database and table names, owner, path, storage format, create date, etc.

  • KPIs: For example, the number and size of tables and partitions, the number of applications accessing each table, etc.

  • Insights: For example, tables with too many small files or tables that do not have table statistics, etc.

The following scenarios are currently not supported:

  • Multiple clusters where each cluster has its own metastore and HDFS.

  • Tables whose metadata are stored on an external metastore and are shared by multiple clusters.

  • Tables whose data are stored on an external file system and are shared by multiple clusters.

The data page has the following tabs:

  • Overview: Shows table and partition KPIs for a given cluster and metastore.

  • Tables: Provide details and insights into the tables for a given cluster and metastore.

Configuring Data page

Data page supports getting metadata from multiple Hive metastores. Refer to Configuring external hive metastore (Databricks) and Configuring internal hive metastore (Databricks). Also, refer Data Page configuration.