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v4.7.8.0 Release notes

Software version

Release date: 20/February/2023

See for download information.

Software upgrade support

The following upgrade paths are supported:

  • 4.7.x.x4.7.8.0


  • or earlier4.

For instructions to upgrade to Unravel v4.6.1.9, see Upgrading Unravel server.

For instructions to upgrade to Unravel v4.7.8.x, see Upgrading Unravel.

For fresh installations, see Installing Unravel.

Certified platforms

The following platforms are tested and certified in this release:

  • Amazon EMR

  • Databricks (Azure, AWS)

Review your platform's compatibility matrix before you install Unravel.

Updates to Unravel's configuration properties

Updates to upgrading Unravel to v4.7.8.0

  • An existing license for any previous version (before 4.7.7.x) does not work with the newer version of Unravel. Therefore, before upgrading Unravel , you must obtain a license file from Unravel Customer Support. For information about setting the license, see Upgrading Unravel from version 4.7.x to 4.7.8.x section in Upgrading Unravel.

  • Optionally, you can regroup multiple Spark worker instances for enhanced performance after upgrading to v4.7.8.0.


    This task requires planning and can be performed only in collaboration with Unravel support team. This is a one-time task.

New features

  • Data quality integration with Great Expectations

    Great Expectations is a product quality tool that enables you to run validations against your data asset by running an Expectation Suite (quality assertions) against it. Great Expectations when integrated with Unravel extends the measure of data quality into Unravel. At the same time, Unravel provides unified visibility of any expectations validated while running the Expectation Suite. Thus adding data quality insights to Unravel's current single-pane data monitoring aspect.

    You can view the Data Quality insights of Great Expectations from the Unravel UI > Data > Tables detail page> Analysis tab and also from the Unravel UI > Jobs > Job details page > Analysis tab.

  • Multi-node deployment of Spark workers for high-volume data processing

    You can deploy additional Spark workers on a separate server, other than the server where Unravel is installed, with services to process high-volume data.

  • Notification channels

    A new Notification channels option has been added to the manage.png Manage menu, using which you can set up notification channels to receive alerts when certain conditions are triggered. Use notifications to send alerts through email addresses or Slack messages to users or user groups.

    For information about the Notification channel, see the following topics:


    Guide name

    New topics

    • Notification channels

    • Creating a notification channel

    • Modifying the existing notification channel

    • Viewing notification channels

    User Guide

    Updates to the existing topics

    • Cost Budget (EMR)

    • Creating a budget

    • Viewing a budget and its details

    User Guide

    Updates to the existing topics

    • Cost Budget (Databricks)

    • Setting a budget

    User Guide

  • AutoActions support EMR apps and clusters to optimize cost

    AutoActions can now monitor EMR apps and clusters. You can set the AutoAction policy to generate alerts for EMR apps and clusters. AutoActions can monitor EMR clusters based on cost, duration, and idle checks and send alerts.

    For more information, refer to AutoActions > AutoActions (EMR) topic in User Guide.

Improvements and enhancements

  • Databricks enhancements

    A Databricks Job can be associated with multiple clusters. Each job entry now corresponds to a Databricks job. The following enhancements have been made to the Databricks Workflows > Jobs page (DT-1187):




    Removed the Clusters Name column

    Workflows>Job Runs

    • Removed the Clusters Name and Cluster Type columns

    • Removed the Job name link from the Run Name / ID column.

    • Renamed the Run Name / ID to Job name / ID

    • Provided a link to the Run ID. After clicking the Run ID, the job run detail page is displayed.

    • Updated the Search by ID, Keyword field to Search by keyword. You can search for the job name by typing the keyword.

    • Changed the Filter by Cluster Name search to Filter by Job name or ID

    The following enhancement is done for the Resources tab on the Spark details page. (DT-1456)



    Compute>Spark>Resources>Host Metrics and Workflow>Job>Task>Resources>Host Metrics

    The following new metrics are added to Host metrics:

    • Total memory

    • Free memory

    You can use these metrics to evaluate the memory spent on processes other than those of Spark.

    For information, see User Guide.

  • Other enhancements

    • Node count and duration values are provided for the aggregated cost savings for each recommended node type. (EMR-620)

    • The new Account Id column has been added to the AWS Account Settings page to view configured AWS account ID in the Unravel UI. (UIX-5469)

    • On the Clusters page, the ID filter has been relocated to the top and is separate. You cannot combine other filters (such as Date and time range) with an ID search. (UIX-5332)

      For information, see the Monitor EMR clusters section in the User Guide.

    • The MySQL client library has been updated to the 12.0 version on the user interface. (UIX-5383)

    • Enhanced performance by reducing the lag in the Impala pipeline. (ASP-1677)

    • Support for downloading as CSV option for EMR Clusters and EMR AutoAction pages. (UIX-4853)

      For information, see Viewing AutoAction and its details and Monitor EMR clusters sections in the User Guide.

    • Support for the EMR cluster idle state (EMR-465)

      Unravel now supports AutoAction for the idle state of the cluster. You can set AutoAction when the EMR cluster exceeds the idle duration threshold. For information, see Creating AutoActions in User Guide.


  • Appstore does not support PostgreSQL over SSL.

  • On the Data page, File Reports, Small File reports, and file size information are not supported for EMR clusters.

  • Sustained Violation is not supported for Databricks AutoAction.

  • Unravel does not support the Insights Overview tab on the UI for the Amazon EMR platform.

  • All the reports, except for the TopX report, are not supported on Databricks and EMR.

Bug fixes

  • AutoActions

    • When multiple AutoActions policies are created with the Overlapping ruleset and scopes, only one of the AutoAction policies is triggered. (AA-498)

  • Databricks

    • The duplicate job runs (with the same run IDs) are generated on the Job Runs page. (DT-1190)

    • On the Compute page, inaccurate information is displayed for clusters in the Inefficient category. (UIX-5064)

    • The downloaded TopX Report (in JSON format) lists the incorrect type of Spark app. (REPORT-2094)

    • In Databricks, when a job in a workflow fails and a new job is launched instead of a new attempt, the new job cannot be part of the same workflow. (PG-269)

    • On the Chargeback page, when you group by clusters, Unravel has a limitation of only grouping a maximum of 1000 clusters. (SUPPORT-1570)

  • EMR

    • After clicking the Hive Query link on a cluster using the bootstrap script, the No apps found with the Id message is displayed. (CLOUD-532)

    • On the Clusters page, search by cluster name returns incomplete search results. (UIX-5345)

    • On the Clusters page, the Name and Cluster tags filters return incomplete search results. (EMR-595)

    • On the Clusters page, the following issues are observed (EMR-588):

      • The cluster list omits clusters with a zero cost when the custom date range is selected

      • The cluster list omits the latest cluster cost when the custom date range is selected

    • If clusters terminate with errors without generating NodeDownSizingEvent, then such clusters are displayed in the Inefficient category on the Clusters page. (EMR-542)

    • The Spark sensor fails to start. (EMR-485)

    • On the Clusters page, a mismatch in the cluster IDs displayed in the ID drop-down list with the selected cluster category in the left panel. (EMR-435)

    • For clusters terminated with errors, the node downsizing recommendations are shown. (EMR-422)

  • Insights

    • Clicking the links for operators and stages in the SQLTooManyGroupByEvent does not result in any action. (INSIGHTS-355)

    • An exception occurs when generating memory insights for a Spark application. (INSIGHTS-363)

  • Installation

    • Databricks Healthcheck App Store celery daemon fails to start. (INSTALL-2945)

    • Installing Unravel fails when connecting with SSL-enabled MariaDB. (INSTALL-3071)

  • Spark

    • A blank page is displayed on the Databricks Run Details page for Spark structured streaming applications. (ASP-1629, UIX-5124)

  • UI

    • On the Clusters page, a discrepancy exists between the cost of clusters and the minimum and maximum cost displayed in the left pane. (UIX-5270)

    • From the Clusters page, after clicking the Spark action, refreshing the Spark details page takes longer than expected. (UIX-5247)

    • When you return from the application details > SQL tab> Stage page to the application details > Attempt page, the Duration, Data I/O, and Jobs Count fields are not displayed. (UIX-5048)

  • Workflow/Job page displays empty for Analysis, Resources, Daggraph, and Errors tabs. (DT-1093)

  • AutoActions stop responding due to an invalid or unsupported HTTP URL or webhook. (AA-575)

  • App Store tasks fail to start with SSL. (APP-614)


    To resolve this issue, do the following:

    1. Stop Unravel.

      <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
    2. Use an editor to open <Installation_directory>/unravel/data/conf/unravel.yaml file.

    3. In the unravel.yaml file, under the database > advanced > python_flags block, enter the path to the trusted certificates. For example, if Unravel is installed at /opt/unravel, you must edit the unravel.yaml file as follows:

              ssl_ca: /opt/unravel/data/certificates/trusted_certs.pem
    4. Use the manager utility to upload the certificates.

      <Unravel installation directory>/manager config tls trust add --pem /path/to/certificate

      For example: /opt/unravel/manager config tls trust add --pem /path/to/certificate

    5. Enable the Truststore.

      <Unravel installation directory>/manager config tls trust enable
    6. Apply the changes and restart Unravel.

      <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply --restart
  • If tables are created with the same name and are accessed, deleted, and re-created, and if those tables are re-accessed, then their query and app count does not match.(DATAPAGE-502)

  • For Hive metastore 3.1.0 or earlier versions, the create time of partitions is not captured if a partition is created dynamically.  Therefore, in Unravel, the Last Day KPI for the partition section are not shown. (DATAPAGE-473)

  • The Job Run details page displays a duplicate entry for tasks executed during the job. (DT-1461)

  • Issue: Jobs created for PySpark application with UDF on a JobCluster fail after applying the recommendations for node downsizing. (DT-1404)


    1. In your Databricks workspace, go to Configure Cluster > Advanced Options > Spark config 

    2. Add and set the following property to true for spark.driver.extraJavaOptions and spark.executor.extraJavaOptions spark configurations:

      • -Dcom.unraveldata.metrics.proctree.enable=true

      For example:

      spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -Dcom.unraveldata.metrics.proctree.enable=true -javaagent:/dbfs/databricks/unravel/unravel-agent-pack-bin/btrace-agent.jar=config=executor,libs=spark-3.0 spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -Dcom.unraveldata.metrics.proctree.enable=true -javaagent:/dbfs/databricks/unravel/unravel-agent-pack-bin/btrace-agent.jar=config=driver,script=StreamingProbe.btclass,libs=spark-3.0
  • Data is not displayed when you click the Optimize button corresponding to OTHERS for the Cost > Chargeback results shown in the table. (UIX-5624)

  • On the Job Runs page, the Cost slider stops working when the cost for the selected user is less than $1. (UIX-5508)

  • The job run count displayed on the Chargeback page differs from the job count shown on the Workflow page. (UIX-5581)

  • Errors and Logs data are missing in specific scenarios for a failed Spark application, such as an application failing with OutOfMemoryError. (ASP-1624)

  • On the Cost > Trends and Cost > Chargeback pages, the tooltip for the Last <number of> days field includes more days than the displayed days. (UIX-5042)

  • Clusters with an Unknown status are excluded from the dashboards often used for monitoring systems. (DT-1445)

  • When the Interactive cluster is restarted, the cluster count is increased on the Databricks Cost > Trends page. (DT-1275)

  • After navigating from the Trends and Chargeback pages with Tag filters, the No data available message is displayed on the Compute page. (DT-1094)

  • Inconsistent data is displayed for the cluster Duration and Start Time on the Compute page. (ASP-1636)

  • The DriverOOME and ExecutorOOME events are not generated for the Databricks notebook task. (DT-533)

  • When a job fails to submit a Spark application, the failed DataBricks job is missing from the Unravel UI. (ASP-1427)

  • In the Databricks view, the application is shown in a running state, even though the corresponding Spark application is marked as finished. (ASP-1436)

  • On the Workflows > Jobs page, you can view only up to 100 records or jobs. (ASI-695)

  • The Email template for the AutoAction policy contains the unformatted table. The issue occurs when the threshold value is zero (0). (ASI-688)

  • Azure Databricks jobs are randomly missing on the Unravel UI due to Azure Databricks File System (DBFS) mount issues. (PIPELINE-1626)

  • When you click the View Clusters link on the Cost-based pages and navigate to the Clusters page, the cluster numbers shown can vary. Sometimes fewer clusters are listed, and at times no clusters are shown. This is a known limitation due to differences in the definition of the time range selector for these pages. (UIX-5328)

    • Cost page

      Shows all the clusters that have accrued cost in the selected period, which may be running or terminated in the selected period, irrespective of their start date.

    • Cluster page

      Shows only those clusters that have started in the selected period.

  • Due to the known limitations, node downsizing recommendations are not suggested for the following scenarios. (EMR-519, EMR-513, EMR-424)

    • When only cluster recommendations are applied without applying Application recommendations.

    • When the workloads require high IO and partitioning.

    • When the Spark configuration spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled is true.

    • When the AWS EMR autoscaling is enabled.

    • When the workload must need parallelism (multiple CPU cores).

  • On the Clusters details page, the Insights chart is not synchronized with all other graphs displayed on the Cost tab. (EMR-618)

  • On the Cost > Trends page, users with readonly permission can create a budget. (EMR-576)

  • The workflow of multiple transient clusters (EMR) is not supported. (ASP-1424, EMR-460)

  • Unable to run Spark applications on all the master nodes after Unravel bootstrap for high availability clusters. (EMR-49)

  • Support for high availability EMR master nodes. (EMR-31)

  • For the MapReduce failed job, error details are missing on the Errors tab. (UIX-5416)

  • An exception occurs when installing Unravel version with the Azure MySQL database (SSL Enabled). (INSTALL-2799)

  • The Insights Overview tab uses UTC as the timezone, while other pages use local time. Hence, the date and time shown on the Insights Overview tab and the other pages after redirection can differ. (UIX-4176)

  • Kerberos can only be disabled manually from the unravel.yamlfile.

          enabled: False
  • TopX report

    • The TopX report email links to the Unravel TopX report instead of showing the report content in the email as in the old reports.

  • If the Spark job is not running for Databricks, the values for the Duration and End time fields are not updated on the Databricks Run Details page. (ASP-1616)

  • You can see a lag for SQL Streaming applications. (PLATFORM-2764)

  • On the Spark application details page, the timeline histogram is not generated correctly. (UX-632)

  • For PySpark applications, the processCPUTime and processCPULoad values are not captured properly. (ASP-626)

  • SQL events generator generates SQL Like clause event if the query contains a like pattern even in the literals. (TEZLLAP-349)

  • After upgrading from v4.7.1.1 to v4.7.5.0, the Hive jobs running with the Tez application as an execution engine are not linked. (EMR-406)

  • After upgrading to v4.7.1.0, Notebooks do not work. You can configure them separately. (REPORT-1895)

  • After upgrading from v4.6.x to v4.7.1.0, the Tez application details page does not initially show DAG data. The DAG data is visible only after you refresh the page. (ASP-1126)

  • Jobs are falsely labeled as a Tez App for Oozie Sqoop and Shell actions. (PLATFORM-2403)


For support issues, contact Unravel Support.