

To deploy Unravel, first ensure that your cluster and host meet these requirements.


Each version of Unravel has specific platform requirements. Confirm that your HDP meets the requirements for the version of Unravel that you're installing. Your HDP environment must be deployed using Ambari.


Use Ambari Web UI to allocate a new node with these specifications in your cluster:


On the new node, confirm the following:

  • All default clients are running:

  • If the new node is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.x, set its boostrap.system_call_filter to false in elasticsearch.yml:

    boostrap.system_call_filter: false
  • libaio.x86_64 is installed.

  • For Unravel version, SELINUX is set to permissive or disabled in /etc/sysconfig/selinuxg. For Unravel versions, SELINUX can be set to enabled.

  • PATH includes the path to the HDFS+Hive+YARN+Spark client/gateway, Hadoop commands, and Hive commands.

  • Zookeeper is not installed.

  • You must have root access or "sudo root" permission in order to install the Unravel Server RPM.

  • If you're using Kerberos, we'll explain how to create a principal and keytab for Unravel daemons to use to access these HDFS resources:

    • MapReduce logs (/mr-history/done)

    • YARN's log aggregation directory (/app-logs/*/logs*)

    • Spark and Spark2 event logs (hdfs:///user/spark/applicationHistory/,hdfs:///spark2-history/,hdfs:///spark-history/)

    • File and partition sizes in the Hive warehouse directory (typically hdfs://apps/hive/warehouse)

  • Unravel needs access to the YARN Resource Manager's REST API (so that the principal can determine which resource manager is active).

  • Unravel needs access to the JDBC access to the Hive Metastore. Read-only access is sufficient.

  • If you plan to use Unravel's move or kill auto actions, you've added the Unravel username to YARN's yarn.admin.acl property.

  • Unravel needs read-only access to the Application Timeline Server (ATS).
