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Part 1: Installing Unravel on a Separate Azure VM

Installing Unravel on a separate Azure VM allows you to connect to ephemeral Hadoop clusters on the same virtual network.

This topic explains how to create a separate Azure VM, install the Unravel RPM, and configure it.


If you have not already done so, confirm your cluster meets Unravel's hosting requirements.

1. Provision an Azure VM for Unravel Server
2. Configure the VM
3. Install Unravel Server on the VM
4. Set up your database using one of the following methods

a. Set up an Azure MySQL instance for Unravel.


b. Install and configure your own MySQL.

5. Configure Unravel Server with basic options
  1. Open an SSH session to the Unravel VM.

    ssh -i ssh-private-key ssh-user@unravel-host
  2. Set correct permissions on the Unravel configuration directory.

    cd /usr/local/unravel/etc
    sudo chown unravel:unravel *.properties
    sudo chmod 644 *.properties
  3. Update based your cluster's HDInsight version.

    hdp-select status | grep hadoop
    hadoop-client -
    # Append this classpath based on the version you found
    echo "export CDH_CPATH=/usr/local/unravel/dlib/hdp2.6.x/*" >> /usr/local/unravel/etc/
  4. Run the script.

    /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/ hdfs hadoop
  5. In /usr/local/unravel/etc/, add/modify the following properties:

    1. Set com.unraveldata.onprem to false.

    2. Set general properties:

    3. Point Unravel to your Azure storage account(s) and their storage formats:

7. Start Unravel services
sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
8. Log into Unravel UI