Upgrading sensors on HDP
is the Unravel Server's fully qualified domain name or IP address.
is the target Spark version. For example, 1.6.0
, 2.0.1
, 2.2.0
is the target Hive version For example, 1.2.0
Only activate the sensors when there are no Hive or Spark jobs running as the restart may affect running jobs.
On Unravel Server and on all nodes in the cluster that have Unravel Sensors deployed, create backups of the old sensor folders, and then remove the folders.
cd /usr/local/ sudo tar -cvf unravel-sensors-`date +%m%d%y`.tar unravel-agent unravel_client sudo rm -rf /usr/local/unravel-agent sudo rm -rf /usr/local/unravel_client
On Unravel Server, run the sensor package script.
cd /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/unraveldata-clients/ sudo ./unravel_hdp_setup.sh install -y --unravel-server
:3000 --spark-versionspark-version
After running the above command the JAR files are stored in these two directories:
(Hive Hook JAR)/usr/local/unravel-agent/jars/
(Resource metrics sensor JARs)
Copy the files into the directory
.cp /usr/local/unravel_client/unravel-hive-
-hook.jar /usr/local/unravel-jars/ cp -pr /usr/local/unravel-agent/jars/* /usr/local/unravel-jars/Distribute
to all worker, edge, and master nodes which run queries.For example,
scp -r /usr/local/unravel-jars root@