AutoActions by default collect metrics from the YARN Resource Manager and MapReduce Application Master for all apps running (or submitted) on the target cluster. MapReduce Application Master (AM) also maintains various counters. Users can use these metrics and counters when defining an AutoActions rule. Additionally, there are Hive/Workflow and Spark metrics that can used to define rules.
Monitoring is performed on most live running apps allowing users to take proactive actions when violations are detected. See here for limitations on AutoActions.
Monitoring is only performed on MapReduce AM metrics when the user defines an AutoAction rule that requires the polling/aggregation of a MapReduce AM metric.
Metric | Definition |
duration | Total time taken by the app. |
totalDfsBytesRead | Total HDFS bytes read. |
totalDfsBytesWritten | Total HDFS bytes written. |
Type | Metric | Definition |
elapsedAppTime | Time since the app was started. | |
Map | ||
mapsCompleted | Number of completed maps. | |
mapsPending | Number of maps still to be run. | |
mapsRunning | Number of running maps. | |
mapsTotal | Total number of maps. | |
Map Attempts | ||
failedMapAttempts | Number of failed map attempts. | |
killedMapAttempts | Number of killed map attempts. | |
newMapAttempts | Number of new map attempts. | |
runningMapAttempts | Number of running map attempts. | |
Reduce | ||
reducesCompleted | Number of completed reduces. | |
reducesPending | Number of reduces still to be run. | |
reducesRunning | Number of running reduces. | |
reducesTotal | Total number of reduces. | |
Reduce Attempts | ||
failedReduceAttempts | Number of failed reduce attempts. | |
killedReduceAttempts | Number of killed reduce attempts. | |
newReduceAttempts | Number of new reduce attempts. | |
runningReduceAttempts | Number of running reduce attempts. | |
successfulReduceAttempts | Number of successful reduce attempts. |
For more details see: Apache MapReduce REST Jobs API
Metric | Definitions |
fileBytesRead | Amount of data read from local file system. |
fileBytesWritten | Amount of data written to local file system. |
fileReadOps | Number of read operations from local file system. |
fileLargeReadOps | Number of read operations of large files from local file system. |
fileWriteOps | Number of write operations from local file system. |
hdfsBytesRead | Amount of data read from HDFS. |
hdfsBytesWritten | Amount of data written to HDFS. |
hdfsReadOps | Number of read operations from HDFS. |
hdfsLargeReadOps | Number of read operations of large files from HDFS. |
hdfsWriteOps | Number of write operations to HDFS. |
Type | Metric | Definition |
Map | ||
dataLocalMaps | Number of map tasks which were launched on the nodes containing required data. | |
mbMillisMaps | Total megabyte-seconds taken by all map tasks. | |
millisMaps | Total time spent by all map tasks. | |
slotsMillisMaps | Total time spent by all executing maps in occupied slots. | |
vcoresMillisMaps | Total vCore-seconds taken by all map tasks. | |
Reduce | ||
mbMillisReduces | Total megabyte-seconds taken by all reduce tasks. | |
millisReduces | Total time spent by all reduce tasks. | |
slotsMillisReduces | Total time spent by all executing reduces in occupied slots. | |
totalLaunchedReduces | Total number of launched reduce tasks. | |
vcoresMillisReduces | Total vCore-seconds taken by all reduce tasks. |
Metric | Definition |
bytesRead | Amount of data read by every task for every file system. |
bytesWritten | Amount of data written by every task for every file system. |
For more details see: Apache MapReduce REST Jobs Counters API
Type | Metric | Definition |
Map | ||
failedShuffle | Total number of mappers which failed to undergo through shuffle phase. | |
mapInputRecords | Total number of records processed by all the mappers. | |
mapOutputBytes | Total amount of (uncompressed) data produced by mappers. | |
mapOutputMaterializedBytes | Amount of (compressed) data which was actually written to disk. | |
mapOutputRecords | Total number of records produced by all the mappers. | |
mergedMapOutputs | Total number of mapper output files undergone through shuffle phase. | |
shuffledMaps | Total number of mappers which undergone shuffle phase. | |
Reduce | ||
reduceInputGroups | Total number of unique keys. | |
reduceInputRecords | Total number of records processed by all reducers. | |
reduceOutputRecords | Total number of records produced by all reducers. | |
reduceShuffleBytes | Amount of data processed in shuffle and reduce phase. | |
Records | ||
combineInputRecords | Total number of records processed by combiners. | |
combineOutputRecords | Total number of records produced by combiners. | |
spilledRecords | Total number of map and reduce records that were spilled to disk. | |
Time | ||
gcTimeMillis | Wall clock time spent in Java Garbage Collection. | |
cpuMilliseconds | Cumulative CPU time for all tasks. | |
Memory | ||
committedHeapBytes | Total amount of memory available for JVM. | |
physicalMemoryBytes | Total physical memory used by all tasks including spilled data. | |
splitRawBytes | Amount of data consumed for meta-data representation during splits. | |
virtualMemoryBytes | Total virtual memory used by all tasks. |
Metric | Definition |
badId | Total number of errors related with the interpretations of IDs from shuffle headers. |
connection | Total number of established network connections. |
ioError | Total number of errors related with reading and writing intermediate data. |
wrongLength | Total number of errors related to compression and decompression of intermediate data. |
wrongMap | Total number of errors related to duplication of the mapper output data. |
wrongReduce | Total number of errors related to the attempts of shuffling data for wrong reducer. |
In addition to the metric set supported by MapReduce apps, Spark apps can be polled on:
Type | Metric | Definition |
Join | ||
joinInputRowCount | The total input rows of the first join of the SQL query, aggregated for all the queries that are part of the app. | |
totalJoinInputRowCount | Total number of input rows count for all join operators of all SQL queries that are part of the app. | |
totalJoinOutputRowCount | Total number of output rows count for all join operators of all SQL queries that are part of the app. | |
joinOutputRowCount | The total output rows of the first join of the SQL query, aggregated for all the queries that are part of the app. | |
Partitions | ||
inputPartitions | Total number of input partitions for all SQL queries that are part of the app. | |
outputPartitions | Total number of output partitions for all SQL queries that are part of the app. | |
Records | ||
inputRecords | Cumulative number of input records for all SQL queries that are part of the app (collected at stage level). | |
outputRecords | Cumulative number of output records for all SQL queries that are part of the app (collected at stage level). | |
outputToInputRecordsRatio | OutputRecords / inputRecords if inputRecords > 0, else 0. |
Metric | Definition |
allocatedMB | The sum of memory in MB allocated to the app’s running containers. |
allocatedVCores | The sum of virtual cores allocated to the app’s running containers. |
appCount | Total number of apps. |
elapsedTime | The elapsed time since the app started (in ms). |
runningContainers | The number of containers currently running for the app. |
memorySeconds | The amount of memory the app has allocated (megabyte-seconds). |
vcoreSeconds | The amount of CPU resources the app has allocated (virtual core-seconds). |
For more details see:Apache MapReduce REST Cluster Applications API