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Configuring Unravel

You can set all the configurations in Unravel using the manager tool.

Updating Unravel configurations

You can update Unravel settings using any of the following commands:

  • manager config auto

    Run the manager config auto command to pull in the Unravel configurations automatically. Most of the Unravel configurations can be set with this command. When you run this command, the cluster information is automatically read, and the Hadoop properties are configured.

    This is the most recommended method to configure Unravel.

    You can run the command as follows:

    <unravel_installation_directory>/manager config auto

    You are prompted to provide the location and credentials for Cloudera Manager or Ambari UI. The cluster information is read even if you do not provide the complete location details.

  • manager config <setting>

    For updating a specific configuration, you can use the manager config <setting> command.

    <Unravel installation directory>/manager config <setting>

    Before you run the manager config <setting> command, you must stop Unravel services and after updating the configuration, you must refresh and start Unravel services. For example:

    manager stop
    <Unravel installation directory>/manager config kerberos enable
    manager refresh
    manager start

    Refer to Quick reference - Manager tool commands for all such configurations that can be updated using the manager config <setting> command.

  • manager config properties set

    From the installation directory, you can also set individual properties manually, using the manager config properties set command. You can run the command as follows:

    <Unravel installation directory>/manager config properties set <KEY> <VALUE>

    Before you run this command, you must stop Unravel services and after updating the property details, you must refresh and start Unravel services.

    For example:

    manager stop
    <Unravel installation directory>/manager config properties set true
    manager refresh
    manager start

    Refer to Unravel Properties for the complete list of properties that can be set using this command.

Unravel manager is a tool that provides a unified command-line method to manage all the Unravel configurations and services. It is the central point for interacting with Unravel on the command-line. After you have installed Unravel, the manager tool is available in the services and base directory as manager. You can use the manager tool for the following purposes:

  • Manage services

  • Upgrades and downgrades

  • Setting configurations and properties.

  • Integrate all command-line tools such as healthcheck, autoconfig, AppStore apps, installation, and so on.

The commands in the manager tool follow the verb-noun pattern.

  • All: Affects all services. For example, the stop all stops all the services while keeping the monitor up.

  • Alias

    • Informal names: stop unravel_sersor_1 or stop us_1 or stop us are equivalent .

    • Group services: stop ma will stop ma_1, ma_2, ma_3. stop etl will stop all ETL-related services.

  • tier:n: To group services per dependency, ex: tier:2 depends on services from tier:1

  • CSL: A comma-separated list of services, aliases, etc. For example,  stop tier:4,ew,ngui stops all tier:4 services, all ew services, and the UI service.

You can also chain and run multiple commands with the manager tool. However, if any of the commands fail, the chain stops. For example, if you run the chained command: manager stop config auto refresh files start watch, it triggers the following actions:

  • Stops Unravel

  • Runs autoconfig in automatic mode.

  • Refreshes all scripts and configuration files

  • Starts Unravel

  • Displays the service watch.

You can refer to this section for the manager tool commands. Any commands from this list can be run from the Manager tool as follows:

<Unravel installation directory>/manager <manager command>

For example:
/opt/unravel/manager refresh

Main actions

The table shows the main actions that are displayed when you run the manager tool. You can run any of these actions for setting up services and configurations.




Start Unravel


Stop Unravel


Restart Unravel


Report Unravel services


Report Unravel services. Refreshes every two seconds


Additional service management commands


Configure Unravel


Refresh scripts and configurations


Activate an Unravel version


Unravel version information


Verify that system configuration supports the currently running Unravel


Verify the health of an Unravel installation


Run Unravel scripts


Unravel API tools

Configuration commands




config unravel

Starts the autoconfig UI.

config auto

Starts autoconfig, which is the automatic mode.

URL, username, and password will be prompted, unless --URL, --username and --password are passed.

config notebook

Configures and enables Jupyter notebook service.

config emdb enable

Configure unravel to use EMDB.

config archive

Archives the content of data/conf and services into a tar file and stored in data/conf_archives.

refresh <entity>

Refreshes the specified entity. Entity can be any of the following:

  • all

  • files

  • kafka

  • db

  • es


Stop Unravel before you run refresh <entity>.

email configurations



config email

Configure email.

Installation and Upgrade commands




Shows the unravel version and components information.

verify <sensor|properties|files>

  • Sensor: Checks the cluster configuration and ensures that the sensor parameters are correct.

  • properties: Validates, checking for invalid, unknown, duplicate properties.

  • files: Verifies and reports on any unexpected changes to unravel components, scripts, and configuration.


Displays a list of available versions of Unravel for activation. This applies to upgrades, downgrades, and patches. The manager tool verifies the compatibility before making any changes.

activate <version>

Activates a specific version of unravel.


Uninstalls Unravel.

Custom ports configurations



help config ports

Open the config ports menu.

config ports show

Display currently defined port values.

config ports unset

Returns a custom port value to its default value.

manager config ports remap begin<specify start range> end<specify end range>

Set range for Unravel ports.

Kerberos configurations



config kerberos enable|disable

Enable/disable the Kerberos support for Unravel. This requires regenerating files.

config kerberos set

Allows setting the Kerberos principal path to keytab and optional path to a custom krb5.conf

Also, refer to Creating Active Directory Kerberos principals and keytabs for Unravel.

Monitoring commands




Shows the status of all unravel services.

report <service>

Shows the status of the specified service.


Shows the status of all unravel services.

watch <service>

Shows the status of the specified service.

service list

Display detailed status information about the service.

service is-enabled <service>

Shows whether the service is enabled.

service is-running <service>

Shows whether the service is running.

service is-alive <service>

Shows whether the service is alive.


To run healthcheck.

Service management commands




Starts unravel and all the enabled services.

start <service>

Only starts the specified service.


Stops unravel and all the running services.

stop <service>

Stops only the specified service.


Restart all services.

restart <service>

Restart only a specific service.

service enable <service>

This enables a service that was temporarily disabled.

Run the service enable <service> --permanent command to update unravel.yaml

service disable <service>

Temporarily disables a service. Run the service disable <service> --permanent, which updates the unravel.yaml file and permanently disables a service.

Security (TLS) configurations



config tls trust enable|disable

Enable or disable Unravel using a truststore to use when connecting to services secured with TLS. This requires regenerating files.

config tls trust add <path>

config tls trust --jks <path>

config tls trust --pem <path>

config tls trust --pkcs12 <path>

Imports certificates to trust. For example, autodetect format is based on the extension.

Supported <format> are:

  • PEM

  • PKCS12

  • JKS

<path> is the path to the file to import.

config tls enable|disable

Enable/disable using a TLS for Unravel. This requires regenerating files.

config tls set <path>

config tls set --jks <path>

config tls set --pem <path>

config tls set --pkcs12 <path>

Set the certificate and key to use for TLS. First example autodetect format based on the extension.

Supported <format> are:

  • PEM

  • PKCS12

  • JKS

For PKCS12 and JKS, the user will be prompted for the password. <path> is the path to the file to import.

Tagging configurations



config tagging enable|disable

Enable/disable tagging support for UnravelThis requires regenerating files.

config tagging set

Allows setting the script and the method for tagging.

Other tool configurations



run <script>

Runs the Unravel scripts such as

For example:

manager run

For advanced configurations of Unravel installation, contact Unravel Support.