
v4.4.x - Upgrade instructions


PostgreSQL is now bundled with Unravel instead of MySQL. We recommend using MySQL as Unravel has added a variety of reports which only work with MySQL.

Verify the database you are using before proceeding with the upgrade. If you are upgrading from

  • 4.2.x or 4.3.x you should already be using MySQL either as an internal or external database

  • 4.4.x you might be using with PostgreSQL which was bundled

The following upgrade options are not supported:

  • Upgrade from 4.3.x

    • embedded MySQL to 4.4.1 using embedded PostgreSQL

    • external MySQL to 4.4.1 using embedded PostgreSQL

  • Upgrade from 4.4.0.x

    • embedded PostgreSQL to 4.4.1 using external MySQL

    • external MySQL to 4.4.1 using embedded PostgreSQL

Supported Installs/Upgrade

Fresh install
  • Using MySQL (recommended)

    • Follow the pre-install instructions to in install and configure MySQL before you install Unravel

  • Using PostgreSQL (bundled)

    • proceed with install

  • Download and Install RPM

    • Download RPM

    • Install RPM

  • Post-Install steps if using MySQL

    • Follow these post-install instructions to configure Unravel for MySQL.

Upgrade from 4.4.x
  • If your database is MySQL

    • If the MySQL data has not been migrated to the new partitioned tables, then follow all the steps in Upgrade from 4.3.1.X section in

    • If MySQL data is already migrated to partitions, then follow all the steps in Upgrade from 4.3.1.X section but skip the "MySql Partitioning and Data Migration" step

      • To check if the tables are already partitioned, execute the following command:

        # echo "show table status like '%blackboards%'" | /usr/local/unravel/install_bin/db_access.sh 
  • If your database is PostgreSQL

    • Install RPM

Upgrade from 4.3.1.x
  • embedded/external MySQL to 4.4.1 using external MySQL

Unravel uses partitioned MySQL tables to manage the disk space and you must prepare for the upgrade.

Prepare for upgrade

  • Check amount of disk space used by MySQL (Space_Used) via the CLI with the command

    • Embedded MySQL

      # du -sh /srv/unravel/db_data
    • External MySQL

      # grep "^datadir=" /etc/my.cnf | awk -F"[=]" '{print $2}' | xargs du -sh
  • Check amount of disk space available in the database partition (Space_Available) via the CLI with the command

    • Embedded MySQL

      # df -h /srv/unravel/db_data
    • External MySQL

      # grep "^datadir=" /etc/my.cnf | awk -F"[=]" '{print $2}' | xargs df -h
  • If Space_Used > Space_Available then follow instructions to move MySQL data before continuing.

  • Copy the MySQL JDBC JAR to /usr/local/unravel/share/java/

    # mkdir -p /usr/local/unravel/share/java
    # sudo cp /usr/local/unravel/dlib/mybatis/*.jar /usr/local/unravel/share/java
    # ls -lt /usr/local/unravel/share/java
  • Check if the ownership of /usr/local/unravel/share/java directory and its contents are accessible by the same user that Unravel server daemons are running as.

  • If not, please run the following command replacing un_as_userand run_as_group with the username and group you used when running switch_to_user during Unravel serve.

    # sudo chown -RL run_as_user:run_as_group /usr/local/unravel/share


  • Download RPM

  • Install RPM

  • Complete the instructions in MySql Partitioning and Data Migration

  • Copy the MySQL JDBC JAR to /usr/local/unravel/dlib/mybatis/

    # sudo cp /usr/local/unravel/share/java/*.jar  /usr/local/unravel/dlib/mybatis/ 
    # ls -lt /usr/local/unravel/dlib/mybatis/ 
Upgrade from 4.2.x
  • 4.2.x (embedded MySQL) -> 4.4.1 (external MySQL)

  • 4.2.x (external MySQL) -> 4.4.1 (external MySQL)

Upgrade to then follow the instructions 4.3.1.X .

For support issues, contact Unravel Support.