v4.5.x - Updates to Unravel properties
This page lists Unravel configuration properties added, renamed, removed, and deprecated in 4.5.x. For a complete list of all current properties, see Unravel Properties.
Name/Description | Default |
com.unraveldata.com.hive.spark.enabled Set to true to allow Hive and Spark applications to be linked. Only available for CDH 5.14. Specified in hive-conf, or in the Hive CLI or beeline session. (CDH 5.14 only.) | true |
Name/Description | Default |
com.unraveldata.spark.live.interval.sec This is the interval in seconds after which live application data is updated. It allows for tracking of Spark tasks. The Spark APM updates on Task completion in addition Job start, and Job and Stage completion. This is a sensor property and is not updated | 60 |
com.unraveldata.mr.parse.input.split Controls whether to parse splits information for map reduce jobs from YARN aggregated logs or not. | true |
Updated | |
com.unraveldata.job.collector.log.aggregation.base HDFS path to the aggregated container logs (logs to process). Do not include the hdfs://prefix. The log format defaults to TFile. You can specify multiple logs and log formats (TFile or IndexedFormat.) Example: com.unraveldata.job.collector.log.aggregation.base=TFile:/tmp/logs/*/logs/,IndexedFormat:/tmp/logs/*/logs-ifile/. | /tmp/logs/*/logs/ |
Name/Description | Default |
com.unraveldata.action.killmove.enabled Allows users to kill and move apps.
| false |
Kafka | |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.aggs.broker | 100 |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.aggs.consumer_group | 1000 |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.aggs.broker_metrics | 1000 |
Property/Description | Default |
Airflow | |
airflow.look.back.num.days The number of days to look back. The look-back days can be specified as a positive or negative number. For instance -5 or 5 sets the look back number of days to 5. | 1 |
airflow.look.back.num.hours The look-back time window in hours, which can be either a positive or negative integer. If present, it takes precedence over airflow.look.back.num.days to have finer granularity. Suggested value for large clusters: 2 | 24 |
com.unraveldata.airflow.task.log.parsing.enabled Controls whether to parse the Airflow Task logs. These logs are used to populate the Workflow Instance entities in the "Jobs - Workflows" page. | true |
com.unraveldata.airflow.task.log.parsing.operators Controls the Task logs to parse based on the Operator that produced it. Since Unravel only derives insights for Hive, Spark, and MR applications, it is set to only analyze operators that can launch those types of jobs. The values are delimited using a "," and it treats "*" as a wildcard to many any or no characters. Any special characters like "\" or "." will be removed. | BashOperator, PythonOperator, *Hive*, *Spark* |
com.unraveldata.airflow.task.thread.pool.size Controls whether to process the Airflow Task logs sequentially or in parallel. Process the logs in parallel improves performance. This config takes effect only if airflow.task.log.parsing.enabled=true. Possible values are 1-16. If one, logs are processed sequentially. If greater than one, logs are processed in parallel using a Thread Pool with of the size specified value. | 1 |
Sessions | |
com.unraveldata.session.dynamicAllocation.enabled If set to true Spark sessions recommends dynamic allocation. If users don't want that they need to explicitly set it to false. | true |
com.unraveldata.session.spark1.submit.command The command to use for Spark1 applications while applying the session run. This path should be fully qualified. | spark-submit |
com.unraveldata.session.spark2.submit.command The command to use for Spark2 applications while applying the session run. This path should be fully qualified. | spark2-submit |
Spark | |
com.unraveldata.spark.shutdown.delay.ms Amount of time to delay shutdown so the last messages are processed (allows Btrace sensor to send all the data before the spark driver exits). | |
Hive on MR job collectors | |
com.unraveldata.job.collector.running.load.conf When set to true
| false |
com.unraveldata.job.collector.hive.queries.cache.size This is used to improve the Hive-MR pipeline by caching data so it can be retrieved from cache instead of external API. You should not have to change this value. | 1000 |
Property/Description | Default |
Auto Actions | |
com.unraveldata.auto.action.metric.discard.ms The look-back time window in hours, which can be either a positive or negative integer. If present, it takes precedence over airflow.look.back.num.days to have finer granularity. Suggested value for large clusters: 2 | 3600000 |
LDAP | |
com.unraveldata.ldap.mailAttribute The mail attribute name in the LDAP response that Unravel server will use to extract the ldap user's email address. If not configured, Unravel server use use the attribute name "mail". | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.customLDAPQuery replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.customLDAPQuery | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.groupFilter replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupFilter | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.groupDNPattern replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupDNPattern | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.guidKey replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.guidKey=uid | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.userDNPattern replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.userDNPattern | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.userFilter replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.userFilter | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.groupMembershipKey replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupMembershipKey | - |
com.unraveldata.ldap.groupClassKey replaced hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupClassKey | - |
Custom Banner | |
com.unraveldata.custom.banner.display Displays a banner at the top of the Unravel UI. true: banner displays text until end.date false: no change to UI | false |
com.unraveldata.custom.banner.text Text to display when display is true | - |
com.unraveldata.custom.banner.end.date Date and Time to stop displaying the custom banner Format: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ-000000 | - |
HBase (See here for more information on all relevant properties.) | |
com.unraveldata.hbase. HBase node web UI. Format: http[s]://host:port,http[s]://host:port,... * Example: http://your.master.server:16010,http://your.region.server:16030 | - |
Hive-hook SSL (See here for properties needed to use Hive-hook.) | |
com.unraveldata.live.logreceiver.port.https HTTPS server port (negative value means disabled HTTPS server) | -1 |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.cert_path KeyStore file path. For example, | - |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.cert_password KeyStore password | - |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.trust_store_path TrustStore file path | - |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.trust_store_password TrustStore password | - |
Small Files and File Reports (See here for all relevant properties.) | |
unravel.python.files_use_avg_file_size_flag true: average of all the files is used against the threshold criteria and either all the files are accepted/counted or rejected/not counted as per the criteria. false: absolute file size is used against the threshold criteria and a file is accepted/counted or rejected/not counter as per the criteria. | - |
unravel.python.min_parent_dir_depth Directory depth to start search at. | - |
unravel.python.max_parent_dir_depth Directory depth to end search at. Maximum is 50. | - |
unravel.python.drill_down_subdirs_flag When set a file is accounted (listed) for all its ancestors. false: a file is accounted in only its immediate parent. This allows Unravel to find a specific directory with maximum number of files matching the size criteria. | - |
Small Files (See here for more information on all relevant properties.) | |
unravel.python.reports.files.small_files_use_avg_file_size_flag | true |
unravel.python.reports.files.small_files_min_parent_dir_depth | 0 |
unravel.python.reports.files.small_files_max_parent_dir_depth | 10 |
reports.files.small_files_drill_down_subdirs_flag | true |
File Reports (See here for more information on all relevant properties.) | |
The following four properties are defined per file | |
unravel.python.reports.files. | false |
unravel.python.reports.files. | 0 |
unravel.python.reports.files. | 10 |
unravel.python.reports.files. | false |
Forecasting & Cloud Reports (See here for more information for all relevant properties.) | |
com.unraveldata.ambari.manager.url URL of Cloud Manager. For example, For Cloudera, if the URL does not contain a port you must define manager.port below | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.manager.username Username to log into the manager | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.manager.password Password for the username. | - |
Spark | |
com.unraveldata.spark.master Default Spark master mode to be used if not available from the sensor. | - |
com.unraveldata.spark.eventlog.appDuration If application duration is more than configured value load the event log is not loaded. | 1440 mins |
Application Liveness | |
com.unraveldata.appstatus.refresh.mins Time interval in minutes to scan for running applications and marking the stale ones. | 5 min |
com.unraveldata.appstatus.stale_limit.mins Maximum number of minutes since the latest app update from RM before it is marked as stale. Unit: minutes | 10 |
Experimental These properties should not to be used in production. | |
com.unraveldata.cluster_access.host Cluster Access Service host (where the service is bound). | |
com.unraveldata.cluster_access.port Cluster Access Service port. | 4020 |
com.unraveldata.sregistry.hostport Service Registry host:port. | ${com.unraveldata.zk.quorum} |
com.unraveldata.sensor.polling.secs The base polling period of Unravel reactive sensors in seconds. | 30s |
com.unraveldata.appevents.emitters.exclude.list Comma separated list of the application event emitter IDs which will be disabled/excluded. | - |
com.unraveldata.multicluster.enabled Allow Unravel to operate in multi-cluster mode. In this mode a service registry will be used to discover and access all registered (local and remote) clusters. | false |
Renamed/Replaced properties
(See LDAP above)
Property | Replaced with |
Hive authentication | |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.customLDAPQuery | com.unraveldata.ldap.customLDAPQuery |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupFilter | com.unraveldata.ldap.groupFilter |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupDNPattern | com.unraveldata.ldap.groupDNPattern |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.guidKey=uid | com.unraveldata.ldap.guidKey |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.userDNPattern | com.unraveldata.ldap.userDNPattern |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.userFilter | com.unraveldata.ldap.userFilter |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupMembershipKey | com.unraveldata.ldap.groupMembershipKey |
hive.server2.authentication.ldap.groupClassKey | com.unraveldata.ldap.groupClassKey |
You must update these properties manually.
Property | Replaced with |
com.unraveldata.rbac.mode | com.unraveldata.login.mode |
com.unraveldata.rbac.user.operations.enabled | com.unraveldata.ngui.user.mode |