
Adding read-only admins to Unravel

A read-only admin has access to all the UI's pages, including the Manage page but does not have write access, e.g., create AutoActions.

  1. Stop Unravel

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
  2. Change the setting.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.login.admins.readonly user1,user2,user3

    If you are using LDAP or SAML, you must configure the read-only admins using com.unraveldata.login.admins.readonly.MODE.groups (where MODE is the value of com.unraveldata.login.mode). Using a comma-separated list, add/append the users you wish to grant read-only admin status. For more information, see Configure LDAP or SAML RBAC properties.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.login.admins.readonly.MODE.groups admin1,admin2,admin3,user2,user3
  3. Apply the changes.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply
  4. Start Unravel

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start