
Enabling the JVM sensor on HDP cluster-wide for MapReduce2 (MR)


unravel-host must be a fully qualified DNS or an IP address.


Upon completion you must restart of all affected HDFS, MAPREDUCE2, YARN and HIVE services in Ambari UI.

  1. In AWU, on the left-hand side, click MapReduce2 | Configs | Advanced tab, and select Advanced mapred-site.

  2. Search for MR AppMaster Java Heap Size property and concatenate by copying and pasting the below property for current.yarn.app.mapreduce.am.command-opts MR JVM sensor. Be sure to leave a white space in-between the current and the following new property.

     -javaagent:/usr/local/unravel-agent/jars/btrace-agent.jar=libs=mr -Dunravel.server.hostport=unravel-host:4043 
  3. On the top notification banner, click Save.

  4. In AWU, on the left-hand side, click MapReduce2, next click Configs, go to the Advanced tab, and select/click Custom mapred-site.

  5. Inside Custom mapred-site, click Add Property for MR JVM sensor as follows and use the bulk property add mode.

  6. On the top notification banner, click Save.


    You can manually edit /etc/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml without using AWU.

     -javaagent:/usr/local/unravel-agent/jars/btrace-agent.jar=libs=mr -Dunravel.server.hostport=unravel-host:4043 
  7. Propagate the Unravel resource metrics sensor JAR onto all the servers in the cluster.


    If you have already run the unravel_hdp_setup.sh script to distribute sensor; you can skip the following steps.

  8. Open a ssh session to the Unravel gateway host server and use guided steps to unzip the Unravel MR JARs.

    • With root or sudo access, change directory to /usr/local/unravel-agent and run the command:s below

      cd /usr/local/unravel-agent
      curl http://localhost:3000/hh/unravel-agent-pack-bin.zip -o unravel-agent-pack-bin.zip
      unzip -d jars unravel-agent-pack-bin.zip


      Ensure you have already installed unzip, curl, and opened Unravel port 3000.

    • Create a .tar file of the /usr/local/unravel-agent directory, and propagate to all the servers in the HDP cluster.

      cd /usr/local/
      tar -cvf unravel-agent.tar ./unravel-agent
    • Copy the unravel-agent.tar file to all your servers, and untar to /usr/local directory because when you untarunravel-agent directory will appear.

  9. Restart of all affected HDFS, MAPREDUCE2, YARN and HIVE services in Ambari UI.