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Cost 360 (BigQuery)

The BigQuery Cost 360 page is a hub to visualize the breakdown of costs over time for compute, storage, and other BigQuery services. The page serves as a comprehensive dashboard for managing and analyzing the cost aspects of GCP usage with a focus on BigQuery billing data. There are detailed breakdowns and trend analyses across various dimensions, such as services, projects, users, and jobs. This information helps you to make informed decisions regarding your GCP expenditures and resource allocation.


All the information on the Cost 360 page comes from GCP billing data that is exported from GCP and is subject to the limitations of the data availability from GCP.

The comprehensive Cost 360 dashboard page consists of the following sections:

  • Total cost

    At the top of the Cost 360 page, the total cost incurred in the specified period is shown along with a daily trend graph, which shows the changes in your cost over time.

  • Service Costs

    A cost breakdown is shown based on the service type: Storage, Compute, and Others.

  • Project Costs

    The total chargeback per project is shown along with a daily trend of project count and the average cost per project. Moreover, a cost breakdown is provided by on-demand and edition capacity per project. Detailed breakdowns are provided for individual projects receive detailed breakdowns, which include storage type costs per project.

  • Users And Jobs Costs

    The User and Jobs Costs sections draw data from projects monitored by Unravel.


    For optimal use of these reports, Unravel recommends having all your projects monitored.

    User costs are broken down by GCP cost types: On Demand and Capacity, with both summary and daily trend graphs available.

    The Jobs section offers insights into the number of jobs and the average cost per job, categorized by GCP cost types.