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- v4.8.x - Updates to Unravel properties
v4.8.x - Updates to Unravel properties
This page lists Unravel configuration properties added, renamed, removed, and deprecated in 4.8.x.
Property/Description | Set by User | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.user Specifies the Snowflake user who polls the data. | Mandatory | String | |
com.unraveldata.sf.password Specifies the Snowflake password. | Mandatory | String | |
com.unraveldata.sf.account Specifies the Snowflake account information to log in to the Snowflake account. | Mandatory | String | |
com.unraveldata.sf.user.role Specifies the role to use for polling Snowflake data into Unravel. | Optional | String | ACCOUNTADMIN |
com.unraveldata.tenant.id Specifies the Tenant ID for the current Unravel Session. The default is 1, representing the Unravel tenant. Other values can be given. For example, 2 can represent 12.34 or 3 can represent xyz. | Optional | String | 1 |
com.unraveldata.sf.schema Specifies a schema Unravel utilizes to create particular objects for data polling from Snowflake. For example, this schema may be used for creating a stored procedure, such as show_warehouses_with_id, which combines the results of the SHOW and SELECT commands to provide customized results. | Optional | unravelschema | |
com.unraveldata.sf.data.load.mode Specifies the data loading mode, which can be set to one of the following values: live or snapshot. | Optional | String | live |
com.unraveldata.sf.overwrite.record Determines whether existing data should be overwritten while polling. If set to True, data will be polled and overwritten. Default value is True. | Optional | Boolean | True |
com.unraveldata.sf.os.timezone.formatter Specifies the date and time formatter used by the operating system. | Optional | String | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
com.unraveldata.sf.cluster.size.mapping Defines the mapping between T-shirt sizes and cluster sizes for a Snowflake account. The mapping is provided in JSON format and includes values for Snowpark-Optimized and Standard modes. | Optional | String | {"SNOWPARK-OPTIMIZED":{"MEDIUM":4,"LARGE":8,"XLARGE":16,"X-LARGE":16,"XXLARGE":32,"2XLARGE":32,"2X-LARGE":32,"XXXLARGE":64,"3XLARGE":64,"3X-LARGE":64,"X4LARGE":128,"4X-LARGE":128,"X5LARGE":256,"5X-LARGE":256,"X6LARGE":512,"6X-LARGE":512},"STANDARD":{"XSMALL":1,"X-SSMALL":1,"X-SMALL":1,"SMALL":2,"MEDIUM":4,"LARGE":8,"XLARGE":16,"X-LARGE":16,"XXLARGE":32,"2XLARGE":32,"2X-LARGE":32,"XXXLARGE":64,"3XLARGE":64,"3X-LARGE":64,"X4LARGE":128,"4X-LARGE":128,"X5LARGE":256,"5X-LARGE":256,"X6LARGE":512,"6X-LARGE":512}} |
com.unraveldata.sf.query.tag Specifies the query tag under which all Unravel queries are executed in the Snowflake account. | Optional | String | UNRAVEL_COST |
unravel.saas Specifies whether the environment is SaaS-based or not. Default value is False, signifying that the setup is not a Saas environment. | Optional | Boolean | False |
com.unraveldata.sf.avg2max.ratio Specifies the ratio used to determine whether to consider the average or maximum value for warehouse load. If the maximum value exceeds the specified average factor, the average is considered. | Optional | Double | 0.3 |
com.unraveldata.sf.rs.page.size Specifies the page size for querying the number of records in the pipeline. | Optional | Integer | 10000 |
com.unraveldata.sf.log.events.initial.delay Specifies the initial delay for updating LOG records in snapshot mode. | Optional | Seconds | 60 |
com.unraveldata.sf.log.events.delay Specifies the interval for updating LOG records in snapshot mode. | Optional | Seconds | 60 |
com.unraveldata.sf.log.dataload.progress.step This property specifies the number of records after which LOG data load progress is emitted. | Optional | Integer | 1000 |
Property/Description | Set by User | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.credits.to.isocurrency Sets the credit-to-dollar conversion for the Snowflake current account. | Optional | Integer | 3 |
com.unraveldata.sf.isocurrency Sets the currency for conversion of the credits. Sample values can be $ or USD etc. | Optional | String | $ |
com.unraveldata.sf.credits Sets the conversion rate for credits to USD for the current Snowflake (SF) account. This property determines the value used in the conversion process. | Optional | String | Credits |
Property/Description | Set by User | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.datapage.enable Enable or disable Snowflake data processing. | Optional | Boolean | True |
Property/Description | Set by user | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.max.join.limit Specifies the maximum limit for the number of joins in Snowflake queries. | Optional | Integer | 3 |
com.unraveldata.sf.max.row.count.limit Sets the maximum limit for the number of rows allowed for a specific query in Snowflake. | Optional | Integer | 100000 |
com.unraveldata.sf.warehouse.insights.period.days Specifies the number of days of data to consider for generating warehouse and compute insights in Snowflake. | Optional | Days | 15 |
com.unraveldata.sf.suspend.insights.interval.secs Sets the interval, in seconds, to capture the count of suspended warehouses, which is used in the insights for warehouses. | Optional | Seconds | 60 |
com.unraveldata.sf.suspend.insights.interval.secs Sets the interval to measure the warehouse suspend events within a specified duration. | Optional | Seconds | 60000 |
com.unraveldata.sf.schedule.test.suspend.weekends Specifies whether to suspend the schedule on the test environment during weekends. By default, this feature is disabled. | Optional | Boolean | False |
com.unraveldata.sf.schedule.test.suspend.time Specifies the time intervals during which the schedule on the test environment should be suspended on workdays. | Optional | String | 20:00-08:00 |
com.unraveldata.sf.avg.queued.to.running.ratio Specifies the average queued-to-running ratio to assess warehouse load, indicating whether it is overloaded or consolidated. | Optional | Double | 0.2 |
com.unraveldata.sf.expensive.query.by.cost Marks a query as expensive when its cost exceeds the configured threshold in the specified currency. | Optional | Integer | 10 |
com.unraveldata.sf.warehouse.cost.look.back.days Specifies the number of days to look back when analyzing warehouse cost data. | Optional | Days | 30 |
Property/Description | Set by User | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.warehouse Specifies the name of the warehouse allocated to Unravel. | Mandatory | String | - |
com.unraveldata.sf.overwrite.record By default, Unravel loads the data from the last loaded timestamp for each category (R - Realtime, H - History, L - Warehouse Load, and so on). Set this property to true if you want to re-load the data for the configured lookback period. The data is again polled for the configured lookback period. | Optional | Boolean | - |
com.unraveldata.sf.database Specifies the name of the database from which data is polled. | Optional | String | SNOWFLAKE |
com.unraveldata.sf.compute.base.poll.secs Sets the polling interval, in seconds, for warehouses and tables. | Optional | Seconds | 1800 |
com.unraveldata.sf.compute.events.poll.secs Specifies the polling interval, in seconds, for warehouse events. | Optional | Seconds | 900 |
com.unraveldata.sf.compute.load.poll.secs Sets the polling interval in seconds for querying warehouse load tables. | Optional | Seconds | 300 |
com.unraveldata.sf.compute.charge.poll.secs Specifies the polling interval, in seconds, for warehouse charge and metering tables. | Optional | Seconds | 3600 |
com.unraveldata.sf.query.rt.poll.secs Sets the polling interval, in seconds, to poll the real-time query_history (INFORMATION_SCHEMA) table. NoteWhen you configure the com.unraveldata.sf.query.rt.poll.secs property, 10,000 records are polled in the default 60 seconds by the real-time query pipeline (INFORMATION_SCHEMA). In case the polling time is increased, and there are more than 10,000 records, those excess records do not get polled. However, those records are polled in the query_history (ACCOUNT_USAGE) pipeline, which is configured using the com.unraveldata.sf.query.history.poll.secs property. | Optional | Seconds | 60 |
com.unraveldata.sf.query.history.poll.secs Specifies the polling interval, in seconds, for query_history (ACCOUNT_USAGE) table. | Optional | Seconds | 3600 |
com.unraveldata.sf.look.back.days Specifies the maximum number of days to look back when initially polling Snowflake for data. | Optional | Days | 60 |
com.unraveldata.sf.account.usage.poll.latency Sets a delay in polling the Account_Usage information from Snowflake. This introduces latency to ensure queries will not immediately reflect in Account_Usage, similar to real-time data. | Optional | Milli seconds | 900000 |
com.unraveldata.sf.login.account.user.query.enable Enables or disables Snowflake account user-related queries. By default, all user account-level queries are disabled and not shown on the user interface. | Optional | Boolean | False |
Propert/Description | Set by User | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.sf.cartesian.join.threshold Sets the threshold for identifying a Cartesian join or row explosion, which occurs when a query returns more output rows compared to input rows after a join operation. | Optional | Integer | 10 |
com.unraveldata.sf.expensive.query.by.cost Generates a cost insight when a query contains Join or Cartesian Join nodes with a specified cost percentage. You can specify any double value. For example, 10.00. | Optional | Double | 0 |
com.unraveldata.sf.time.to.generate.cost.saving Specifies the overall percentage time to generate cost savings for Join queries. You can specify a decimal value. For example, 10.00. | Optional | Double | 0 |