You can configure the Data page for BigQuery after you install and set up Unravel for BigQuery monitoring.
To enable the Data page, include the BigQuery projects you wish to monitor from the Data page. The Data page on Unravel UI can show data for up to 100 BigQuery projects. You can add single projects as well as multiple projects to the Data page.
Also, refer to Remove BigQuery projects from the Data page on Unravel UI.
Add projects to the Data page.
To add single projects to the Data page, run the following:
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config bigquery enable-datapage<project-id>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config bigquery enable-datapage myproject
To add multiple projects to the Data page, run the following:
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config bigquery enable-datapage --batch</path/to/project-id-file>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config bigquery enable-datapage --batch /opt/unravel/project-id-file
Based on your chosen method of resource creation, (Manual, external terraform, Unravel managed resources), do the following:
Manual creation of resources
If you have manually created resources, you should modify the IAM role by adding bigquery.tables.getData permissions to the role.
Creation of resources using external terraform
For the resources created using an external terraform, you should add the project IDs to the input.tfvars file as elements in a list under the datapage_project_ids keyword and run the terraform apply command.
Unravel managed resources
For Unravel managed resources, run the integrate command. The bigquery.tables.getData permission, which is required to enable the Data page, is added to the existing permission list.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config bigquery integrate/opt/unravel/manager config bigquery integrate
An error may be shown when running Integrate or terraform apply command with external Terraform scripts. Refer to Error shown when running Integrate or terraform apply command with external Terraform scripts for the solution.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config bigquery show to verify if the project IDs are enabled for the Data page. The following sample output is shown:API Pull/Push polling method
/opt/unravel/manager config bigquery show -- Running: config bigquery show BigQuery support: Enabled Data access: Mode: pull Polling (seconds): Default Billing data location: Project id: unravel-flat-rate-test Dataset id: all_billing_data Table name: gcp_billing_export_resource_v1_016A85_0733E3_979331 Authentication: Mode: multi Project: bq-test-project Terraform integration: Enabled Projects: test-admin: Is admin: True Is monitoring: False Last modified: 2023-11-10 12:21:49 test-mon1: Subscription: unravel-bigquery-sub Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 12:22:05 test-mon2: Subscription: unravel-bigquery-sub Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 12:22:12 test-res: Subscription: unravel-bigquery-sub Is admin: True Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 12:21:57 unravel-flat-rate-test: Subscription: mallik-test Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 12:22:30 Datapage projects: 1 out of 100. -- OK
INFORMATION_SCHEMA based polling method
`/opt/unravel/manager config bigquery show -- Running: config bigquery show BigQuery support: Enabled Data access: Mode: schema Polling (seconds): 300 Polling threads: 5 Lookback days: 90 Max delay (seconds): 1800 Locations: US Billing data location: Project id: unravel-flat-rate-test Dataset id: all_billing_data Table name: gcp_billing_export_resource_v1_016A85_0733E3_979331 Authentication: Mode: vm Project: bq-test-project Terraform integration: Enabled Projects: test-admin: Is admin: True Is monitoring: False Last modified: 2023-11-10 10:31:56 test-mon1: Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 10:32:14 test-mon2: Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 10:32:22 test-res: Is admin: True Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 10:32:07 unravel-flat-rate-test: Is admin: False Is monitoring: True Last modified: 2023-11-10 10:32:27 Datapage projects: 1 out of 100. -- OK
When you remove a BigQuery project from the Data page, then the associated data also gets deleted from OpenSearch.
Stop Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
Run the following command from the Unravel installation directory.
For single project
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config bigquery delete-datapage
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config bigquery delete-datapage my-project
For multiple projects
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config bigquery delete-datapage --batch
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config bigquery delete-datapage --batch /opt/unravel/my-projects.txt
Based on your chosen method of resource creation (Manual, external terraform, Unravel managed resources), do the following:
Manual creation of resources
If you have manually created resources, you should modify the IAM role by deleting the bigquery.tables.getData permissions from the role.
Creation of resources using external terraform
For the resources created using an external terraform, you should remove the project IDs added to the input.tfvars file as elements in a list under the datapage_project_ids keyword and run the terraform apply command.
Unravel managed resources
For Unravel managed resources, run the integrate command. The bigquery.tables.getData permission, which is required to enable the Data page, is removed from the existing permission list.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config bigquery integrate/opt/unravel/manager config bigquery integrate
An error may be shown when running Integrate or terraform apply command with external Terraform scripts. Refer to Error shown when running Integrate or terraform apply command with external Terraform scripts for the solution.
Apply the changes.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply
Start Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start