[INTERNAL] Provisioning an EC2 instance from our Amazon Machine Image
This topic explains how to provision an EC2 instance with Unravel Server preinstalled on it, using our Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
Requirements checklist
Platform compatibility | EC2 instance type | Security group / IAM role | AWS permissions | |||||||||
AWS EMR 5.17, 5.18, 5.19 | Minimum: R4.2xlarge (61 GiB RAM) Maximum: R4.8xlarge (244 GiB RAM) Recommended: R4.4xlarge (122 GiB RAM) | Allowed ports for inbound access to Unravel EC2 node: Port 3000 Port 4043 Unravel EC2 node can access EMR cluster all ports Unravel EC2 node has Read permission on the S3 bucket by EMR clusters. |
NoteYou need to create an IAM role that has S3 read, write, and list bucket permission for the specific S3 bucket that the EMR cluster will use for logging.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudformation:*" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } |
EC2 instance settings
Name | Default Value | Description |
Stack name | The deployed application together with its virtual resources is called a CloudFormation "stack". We recommend you name this stack | |
InstanceType | r4.4xlarge | Instance type for the Unravel EC2 instance. Supported values: r4.2xlarge,r4.4xlarge,r4.8xlarge |
KeyName | mysshkey | EC2 key name for SSH access to the Unravel EC2 instance. This name can include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores only and must be 1-64 characters long. |
TrustedSshIPBlock | | Trusted IP block for SSH, port 3000, and port 4043 access to the Unravel EC2 instance, in CIDR format (x.x.x.x/x). |
UnravelInstanceCount | 1 | Leave this as 1. |
UnravelVPCBlock | | Internal subnet (VPC) IP block for the Unravel EC2 instance, in CIDR format (x.x.x.x/x). |
Zone | us-east-1a | Availability zone for the Unravel EC2 instance. The zone must match any existing EMR clusters which this Unravel EC2 instance will be monitoring. |
Create an EC2 instance from our AMI
Navigate to the EC2 console (https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/).
From the menu on the left, select IMAGES | AMIs.
In search box pull-down menu, select Public images.
Search for
.Select this AMI and click Launch. This launches the AMI configuration wizard.
On the Choose an Instance Type page, select R4.2xlarge, and click Next: Configure Instance Details.
(Optional) Modify the configuration of the EC2 instance:
On the Configure Instance Details page, modify only the following settings, if necessary:
Network: Your selected VPC
Subnet: Your selected subnet
IAM role: The name of the IAM user you created for S3 access
Click Next: Add Storage.
(Optional) Increase the storage capacity of the EC2 instance to a maximum of 500GiB, depending on the number of clusters, the number of jobs running on those clusters, and whether you plan to enable debug logging.
Click Next: Add Tags.
(Optional) Add tags.
Click Next: Configure Security Group.
On the Configure Security Group page, either create a new security group or select an existing security group in such way that your EMR cluster can access ports 3000 and 4043 of the Unravel EC2 node and your Unravel EC2 node can access port 8082 of the EMR master node. See the sample below for reference. Assume there is no other Network ACL and Unravel is created in the same subnet and VPC of the EMR cluster.
Rule type
Inbound: SSH
Your trusted CIDR for SSH access
Inbound: Custom TCP
3000 or EMR security group ID or EMR subnet IP block
Inbound: Custom TCP
EMR security group ID or EMR subnet IP block
Outbound: All traffic
Security policy required for all nodes in the EMR cluster (master, core, and task nodes)
Unravel EC2 node security group ID or Unravel EC2 node private IP address
Security reminder: Don't make Unravel UI accessible on the public Internet.
Click Review and Launch.
Review your settings and click Launch.
Enter the name of your key pair file and click Launch Instances.
Verify that you see the following notice:
Click the instance.
Find the public IP address of the instance in its Description tab.
Log into Unravel UI
Using a web browser, navigate to http://
and log in with username ec2-public-ip
with password unraveldata
For the free trial version, use the Chrome browser.
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Congratulations! Unravel Server is up and running. Proceed to connect to your existing or new EMR clusters.