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Unity app Release notes (01/December/2022)

Software version

Release date: 01/December/2022

Download information

New features

  • HDFS and Small files report

    A new report HDFS and Small files report is added for HDFS space utilization versus Allocation(quota) versus total file count/size report for each tenant. This also provides information about the Small files count for each table partition.

  • API Support

    API Support is provided for the Unity App. The Unity app reports can be consumed via API.

  • Databricks reports

    • For the Databricks reports, an option is provided to select Tags and Instance type on the form when you create the report.

    • The cluster name is provided along with the Cluster UID for job clusters in the Databricks reports.

    • A new report is provided (Cost per cluster), which provides information based on cost per cluster. This report identifies the incorrectly configured jobs/clusters.

    • Added a column in the Inefficient app report that shows the estimated savings for apps that have node downsizing events.

    • A Cluster type (automated/job/interactive) option is added in the Databricks user and usage report.

    • Based on Unravel Analysis and recommendations, automated emails are sent to use case teams along with the budget, cost and if resources are underutilized, contended drivers.

    • The Download option is provided under Compute and Jobs tabs on the Unravel UI.

  • Maersk

    • Unique entries are provided on the inefficient tab page based on the run name.

    • On the Jobs/Dashboard page, a new column is added next to cost, the size of the price, which is the actual dollar value in the recommendation, all the pipelines with the highest cost so the developers can focus on the top 10 or the top 50 percentile of all the recommendation. Part of Unity app, Databricks User and Usage Report <

    • Inefficient report is added which contains all the apps under the inefficient tab. The inefficient apps are also categorized in this report based on the event type such as, node downsizing and recommendations. You can filter the apps based on your requirement.

    • When the customer tries to fetch the report for one workspace, it is pulling out for all the workspaces attaching the below two screenshots for more clarification, which is a bug in the unity app.

    • A filter is added for the workspace and cluster type on the Unravel UI > Inefficient tab.

Bug fixes

  • Catalog report

    Spark and Hive version is missing in the Catalog report. (IMP-375, IMP-388)

  • Databricks node downsizing report

    • The actual cost in the Databricks node downsizing report is incorrect. (IMP-381)

    • Duplicate apps id is shown in the Databricks node downsizing report. (IMP-386)

  • Databricks user usage and Databricks cost reports

    For some selected users and workspaces, data from elastic search is empty. It is causing a critical error in Databricks user usage and Databricks cost reports. (IMP-382)

  • Databricks cost breakdown report

    An error is shown whenever the input field is empty in the Databricks cost breakdown report. (IMP-383)

  • Impala slow host report

    EntityId redirection is not working for Impala slow host report. (IMP-384)

  • SSL Vulnerabilities were observed on ports 8050, 8111, 8060. (IMP-338)

  • Databricks event analysis report fails. (IMP-364)

  • In the EMR instance hours report, the links in the Down Individual Instance Duration column are not working. (IMP-385)


For support issues, contact Unravel Support.