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Authentication (Unity App)

Unity supports basic authentication, which must be enabled from the configuration settings to ensure secure access to its features. By default, the authentication support is disabled.

Enabling Authentication

  1. Access the Unity's directory. For example: cd /opt/unravel/data/apps/unity-one/src.

  2. Open the file.

  3. Locate the following line:

    # enable authentication for unity
    enable_auth = False
  4. Change the value from False to True.

    # enable authentication for unity
    enable_auth = True
  5. Save the changes and restart Unity to apply the new configuration.

User Management

Unity provides command-line utilities for managing users efficiently. Use the following instructions to perform various user management tasks:

Listing Users

To view a list of existing users and their metadata:

  1. Navigate to Unity's home directory using the command line interface.

  2. Execute the script with the following parameters:

    sh -a list
    Example output:
    user     created_at            updated_at           last_login_at
    admin    2024-05-08 09:53:38   2024-05-08 09:53:38  2024-05-08 09:53:58
Adding a New User

To add a new user to Unity:

  1. Navigate to Unity's home directory using the command line interface.

  2. Run the script with the following parameters:

    sh -a add
    Please enter user name:: <user_name>
    Please enter password: <password>
    Please confirm password: <password> 
Updating User Information

To update a user's information:

  1. Navigate to Unity's home directory using the command line interface.

  2. Execute the script with the following parameters:

    sh -a update
    Please enter user name:: <user_name>
    Please enter password: <password>
    Please confirm password: <password> 
Deleting a User

To remove a user from Unity:

  1. Navigate to Unity's home directory using the command line interface.

  2. Run the script with the following parameters:

    sh -a delete
    Please enter user name:: <user_name>

Logging In

Once authentication is enabled, users must log in to access Unity's features securely. Follow these steps to log in:

  1. Access Unity. The Login screen appears.

  2. Enter your username and password.

  3. Click Login to authenticate your credentials and login.

    Upon successful authentication, the Home page will be displayed. A logout option is available in the top right corner to end your session securely.


    Unity's default session timeout is set to 4 hours. Users will be automatically logged out after this period of inactivity.