When configuring the Migration report on a CDH or CDP cluster, ensure you have one of the following roles.
Full Administrator
Cluster Administrator
These roles are required only in the case of the Cloudera Manager.
To configure the Migration reports do the following:
Stop Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
Enable the Migration reports as an admin user. Run the following command:
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config ondemand cloud-migration enable
Optional: Specify the cloud providers that must display for the Migration report.
Check the existing cloud providers shown for the Migration report.
manager config ondemand cloud-migration provider show
Specify the cloud providers that you want to show for the Migration reports. You can provide a comma-separated list of cloud providers when you specify this property.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config ondemand cloud-migration provider set
##For example: <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config ondemand cloud-migration provider set EMR,EC2,DATABRICKS_AWS
The following options are available for
This property is applicable only from Unravel version
Optional: You can specify the VM instances to be blacklisted for the Cloud Mapping Per Host and Workload Fit reports. Later provide the path to the CSV or TXT file that you can use to blacklist the specific VM instances for all cloud providers.
Create a CSV or TXT file that contains a comma-separated list of VM instances that must not display for the migration reports. This is a blacklist of the VM instances.
Set the property to define the path to the CSV or TXT file.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.blacklist
</path/to/CSV or TXT/file>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.blacklist /opt/unravel/data/migration/blacklist.txtYou can also specify the property, such as blacklisting specific VM instances for particular cloud providers.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.blacklist.
,</path/to/CSV or TXT/file>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.blacklist.EMR /opt/unravel/data/migration/blacklist.txt /opt/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.blacklist.EC2 /opt/unravel/data/migration/blacklist.txt
Optional: Specify custom prices for various instance types in Migration reports in a CSV file and later provide the CSV file path.
Create a CSV file with the following column names and corresponding data that contains the custom prices of instances for cloud providers.
Region, Instance, Ondemand_Price
Following is a sample format of the CSV file.
Region, Instance, Ondemand_Price US East (Ohio), r5.24xlarge, 5.0 US East (Ohio), r6g.16xlarge, 4.5
Set the property to define the cloud provider and the path to the CSV file.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.vmprices.
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config properties set com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.vmprices.EMR /opt/unravel/data/migration/customprices.csv
Apply the changes.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply
Start Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start