HomeUnravel 4.6.1 DocumentationAdvanced topicsAdvanced topicsAdvanced instrumentationIntegrating with Informatica Big Data ManagementEnabling the JVM sensor on HDP cluster-wide for MapReduce2 (MR)Monitoring individual Hive queriesMonitoring individual Spark appsUploading Spark programs to UnravelAdvanced installationModifying the behavior of unravel_esDeploying Unravel on security-enhanced LinuxEnabling multiple daemons for high-volume dataRunning verification scripts and benchmarksUninstalling the Unravel ServerConfigurationsCloudCreating an AWS RDS CloudWatch Alarm for free storage spaceHBaseConfiguring HBaseData page (Accessing Hive Metastore)Configuring access to the Hive MetastoreConfiguring access for an Oracle databaseKafkaConnecting to a Kafka clusterKafka securityKerberosChanging the Kerberos keytab filesCreating Active Directory Kerberos principals and keytabs for UnravelMiscellaneousConfiguring email alertsEnable authentication for the Unravel Elastic daemonEncrypting passwords in Unravel properties and settingsImporting a private certificate into Unravel truststoreRunning Unravel daemons with a custom userSetting retention time in Unravel serverUsing a private certificate authority with UnravelMulti-clusterConfiguring Unravel to monitor multiple clustersOnDemandConfiguring migration and forecasting reportsConfiguring OnDemandConfiguring FSImageBilling serviceConfiguring Unravel Billing serviceSecure UI AccessAdding SSL and TLS to Unravel Web UIEnabling LDAP authentication for Unravel UIEnabling SAML authentication for Unravel Web UIEnabling TLS to Unravel Web UI directlySparkConfigure Spark properties for Spark worker daemon @ UnravelConfiguring notebooks for SparkEnable/Disable live monitoring of Spark streaming appsUnravel AdminsAdding more admins to UnravelAdding read-only admins to UnravelChanging Unravel admin's passwordUser InterfaceDefining a custom bannerDefining a custom Web UI portDisabling browser telemetryRestricting direct access to Unravel UISpecifying a cluster ID or nameWorkflowWorkflow AirflowWorkflow OozieMiscellaneousBackup and archive metric databaseCluster wide reportStarting, stopping, and configuring AutoAction daemonMySQLBacking up the MySQL databaseRestoring the MySQL databaseREST APIUnravel REST endpointsSwagger contentRoles and Role Based Access ControlRoles and Role Based Access ControlRBAC rolesConfiguring RBAC general propertiesConfiguring LDAP or SAML RBAC propertiesExample RBAC configurationsConfiguring RBAC general propertiesRBAC UITaggingTaggingWhat is tagging?Tagging applicationsTagging a Hive on Tez queryTagging workflowsUnravel PropertiesUnravel properties, their definitions, and defaults.