Common endpoints
Like the Applications page, these endpoints provide detailed information about your applications. You can collect data based on the application name, type, user, queues, and tags.
Gets the errors associated with a given app.
GET http://unravel-host
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
| integer |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT token
Response body:
No errors found
Gets a detailed summary of a given app.
GET http://unravel-host
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
integer |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT token
Response body:
Gets the logs associated with a given app.
GET http://unravel-host
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
integer |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT token
Response body:
No log view found for app hive_20190126160707_1d3f4e51-55eb-4cc7-8a8b-bca05d598920
Gets Unravel's recommendations for the given application.
GET http://unravel-host
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
| string | App parameter. |
| string | Current value of the app's parameter. |
| string | Recommended value for the app's parameter. |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT token
[ { "parameter": "", "current_value": "7596", "recommended_value": "3896" }, { "parameter": "", "current_value": "-Xmx8192m", "recommended_value": "-Xmx3117m" } ]
GET http://<unravel-host>
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
clusterUid | Cluster unique ID. |
attempt_id |
Name | Description |
| Cluster unique ID. |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT <token>
[{"component":"driver","meta":"{\"appId\":\"application_1648115466090_0016\",\"attemptId\":\"1\",\"component\":\"driver\",\"severityNumsAll\":{\"exception\":0,\"warn\":1,\"error\":0,\"fatal\":0},\"hitdoc\":null,\"schema\":[{\"name\":\"severity\",\"type\":\"int\",\"desc\":\"Unravel error level\"},{\"name\":\"time\",\"type\":\"TimeStamp\",\"desc\":\"timestamp of the error occurred\"},{\"name\":\"keyword\",\"type\":\"String\",\"desc\":\"Error type keyword\"},{\"name\":\"message\",\"type\":\"String\",\"desc\":\"error log entries\"}],\"content\":[{\"id\":\"application_1648115466090_0016\",\"severity\":\"30\",\"time\":\"1648127088000\",\"keyword\":\"cluster.YarnSchedulerBackend$YarnSchedulerEndpoint:\",\"message\":\"Attempted to request executors before the AM has registered!\"}]}","attempt_id":"1"}]
Gets a summary of a given app.
GET http://unravel-host
Name | Description |
| App ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
| string | |
| integeger | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| string | |
| string | |
| string | App ID. |
| string | |
| string | |
| string | |
| array | List of MapReduce job IDs. |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| integer | |
| string | |
| string | |
| integer |
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: JWT token
{ "@class": "com.unraveldata.annotation.HiveQueryAnnotation", "vcoreSeconds": 0, "memorySeconds": 0, "cents": 0, "version": 1, "source": "post-db", "kind": "hive", "id": "parwinder_20190228180000_db0d2b83-849f-45d2-bd64-e9224e4b4388-u_SOyF", "nick": "Hive Query", "status": "S", "user": "parwinder", "mrJobIds": [ "job_1550559654567_8334" ], "duration": 82120, "startTime": 1551405626487, "numMRJobs": 0, "totalMRJobs": 1, "totalMapTasks": 0, "sm": 0, "km": 0, "kmu": 0, "fm": 0, "fmu": 0, "totalReduceTasks": 0, "sr": 0, "kr": 0, "kru": 0, "fr": 0, "fru": 0, "totalMapSlotDuration": 0, "totalReduceSlotDuration": 0, "totalDfsBytesRead": 0, "totalDfsBytesWritten": 0, "queryString": "\nINSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '\/user\/benchmark-user\/benchmarks\/oozie\/workflows\/road_accident_db\/output\/'\nROW FORMAT DELIMITED\nFIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\t'\nSTORED AS TEXTFILE\nselect reflect(\"java.lang.Thread\", \"sleep\", bigint(60000))", "type": "DML", "numEvents": 0 }